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Venice Jesus Whore

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Everything posted by Venice Jesus Whore

  1. These are the songs that when they come on, you go “oh shit!” You blast the volume. These songs are that bitch. They stand out. Please only pick one song per album. Pretty Baby Mermaid Motel Summertime Sadness Ride Pretty When You Cry Music to Watch Boys to Cherry Venice Bitch Tulsa Jesus Freak Dealer
  2. Hear me out: Black Bathing Suit is the 13 Beaches of Blue Banisters Nectar of the Gods is the Breaking Up Slowly of Blue Banisters Agree or disagree?
  3. The melody and delivery of “Dance me all around the room” from If You Lie Down With Me sounds super similar to one of Lana’s unreleased songs, but I can’t place it. Does anyone know which one it is?
  4. Breaking Up Slowly and Nectar of the Gods are both in my top 3 of their respective albums.
  5. To me, the melody, repetition, and production of the chorus is the most cringey thing about the song and I refuse to listen to it now. It feels like a parody of a song, like an overly cheesy ballad that people use as a punchline of a joke.
  6. Sorry, but listening to NFR has made me realize how little I really vibe with Chemtrails and Blue Banisters, no matter how much I’ve tried convincing myself I really like them. I need something along the lines of NFR, UV, AKA, or Honeymoon because this style she’s been using lately just isn’t doing it for me.
  7. White Dress - 98 Chemtrails Over the Country Club - 26 Tulsa Jesus Freak - 31 (+) Dark but Just a Game - 31 Wild at Heart - 31 (-)
  8. Imagine being the person that Lana wrote “I used to dream about people like you, now I don’t know why” about
  9. Dealer has been stuck in my head all morning please send help
  10. Put your red boots on, baby, giddy up. Baby wants a dance, baby gets her way.
  11. Update: NFR! Ultraviolence AKA Honeymoon Born to Die Blue Banisters Sirens Lust for Life Paradise Chemtrails
  12. I’m so happy some of the “weird” crazy type vocals from Noir came back on Black Bathing Suit
  13. Not sure what’s gotten into me, but I haven’t been able to get Blue Banisters (the song) off repeat. I never connected much with it before these past couple days.
  14. And now my blue banisters are... ✨ ✨ greeeeeen and graayy ✨ ✨ ahaaaaaa
  15. 1. Text Book 18 2. Blue Banisters 16 3. Arcadia 10 (-1) 5. Black Bathing Suit 25 6. If You Lie Down With Me 21 8. Violets for Roses 14 9. Dealer 22 10. Thunder 17 11. Wildflower Wildfire 22 12. Nectar of the Gods 16 (+1) 13. Living Legend 20 14. Cherry Blossom 10 15. Sweet Carolina 14
  16. I seem to have a trouble of trashing a song here and then immediately falling in love with it after. So, Thunder, this is for you: Just do iittt Just do itt Don’t wait!
  17. “I’ve been running on stardust alone for so long” and “I’ve been running on stardrip IVs for so long” have to be some of my favorite lines from Lana ever. They’re just so unique, visual, and dreamy.
  18. I don’t get all the love for Thunder. It’s not bad, but totally forgettable for me. I feel like 70% of the song is just “just do it, don’t wait.”
  19. I find it interesting how a lot of fans praised the absolute shit out of Text Book, Blue Banisters, and Arcadia, yet they’re ranked towards the bottom of this poll. Either everyone was completely blown away by all the new songs on the album, or a very loud minority was kissing ass about those songs. Makes me feel a whole lot better because I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t hearing what everyone else was hearing when I saw praise after praise for the songs.
  20. I would never think to call the color blue “wild and fucking crazy,” so that line will always intrigue me
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