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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. It actually feels more like a commercial for a Calvin Klien perfume or something. Pretty bland really, but she looks nice x
  2. It would be just like her to release some mess video that features BAR, a song we never fucking got.
  3. I like the Freak video but i cant lie, that beard looks like it stinks of being piss ridden x I bet the WM video isnt what we expect. I bet it starts with her standing over that swedish hobo and then when the beat drops she sits on his face and he eats her out for 2 minutes in slo mo x
  4. Its not all lost. After the WM video is released we still have one more thing. The delayed LFL boxset
  5. Heroin is the best song shes ever released on an official album. There, i said it. COME AT ME GAYZ
  6. Im at the waiting room at the vet right now and im actually crying over this and all the cats and dogs are staring me omg
  7. Im guessing we'll be getting this video in the next 2 weeks. Bookmark me gays x
  8. Of course i was being catty lol i just said in my previous post people are being messy, i am owning it. I'm just bored and fucking around online, you really got a massive stick up your ass, geez.
  9. People are just being extra though, its just messy forum bs, its not this big serious thing, just chill.
  10. There are a whole bunch of people here who are best friends with the guy in the video im guessing.
  11. Cool. Cant wait to see it in full in 2 months.
  12. Honestly that video makes no sense and the song sounds like an Adele reject. Her last album was so bad, seems like this new one will be too.
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