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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Album wise shes never done anything i actually hate and delete and never listen to, but the weakest of each album for me probs: BTD: Lucky Ones - Just a bit too sweet sounding for me, verses are good, but the chorus is just too fluffy sounding. UV: Guns and Roses - I know everyone hates this, i actually like it, i just need to be in the mood for it, i like the slow beat and guitar in the background, especially in the last minute where shes doing all those high notes, but i do skip it a lot. Florida Kilos - Its catchy and cute, but it just doesnt fit the album and really sticks out like a sore thumb and because of that it just annoy me. Its also a bit too sugary sweet sounding for me as well. The fact that other songs like This Is Happiness or Flipside were relegated to itunes/French release bonus tracks to make way for this obscure film project song pisses me off as well, those two songs are wonderful and should have been on the official record instead of FK. The Other Woman - Cute, but still very skippable. Honeymoon: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - I actually don't mind it, but find myself stopping the album once Swan Song is done most of the time and really only let DLMBM play if im too far away from the "stop" button. I Can Fly - I loooooooooove the Big Eyes track, but the second track used for that film is pretty dull. Kinda reminds me of Lucky Ones. LFL White Mustang - Cute enough but so short it becomes pointless for me. God Bless America - Its cute, but one of the weakest on the album for me because i think the chorus is lacking a bit of punch. Kinda reminds me of a poor mans LOVE.
  2. Ok after hearing this album for close to a week now, the only gripe i can find is that im not sure having the first half of the album so front loaded with bigger tracks and the second half being more stripped back was such a good idea tracklist wise. I realize thats the point Lana was making, bringing two parts together that were different, but i think its what makes the album feel really long when you listen to it in one sitting because the first 10 tracks are so lively and more over produced, and then you have this big chunk of more restrained songs later on and it kinds drags your mood down for a long period of time. Separating the album in two parts like that makes the disconnect feels even more obvious imo. This isn't a major issue, i can still hear the album in its original tracklisting, but i have found myself creating my own tracklist of the album where the back end of songs are a little more sprinkled around the first half. I've moved When The World Was At War, Beautilful People and Heroin out of the back end and mixed them into the first 10 tracks and it makes for a more even sounding delivery of different styles imo. Also, as much as i love getting new music from her, i do think the album is just a little bit too long. There isn't one track that i actually hate or can't listen too, but something like White Mustang which is cute, just feels really pointless at barely over 2:30 long, why even bother using it? I like Coachella too, but maybe that could have been kept as the side project it was meant to be for the sake of length. While i usually think deluxe albums are pointless [just make the deluxe the actual album!]......maybe having 3 or so of the tracks on LFL as bonus deluxe songs would have made the main part of the album feel a little less over long. Or maybe do another Paradise type release where you put left overs like BAR and Yosemite on an EP with a few other tracks from LFL.........i dunno. Anyway, im really loving the album regardless, i just prefer to listen to the playlist i put together because it makes for a more even listening experience.
  3. She looks very BTD era, amazing. But my god we need a video at this point not the 200th photoshoot of the last 6 months.
  4. What is this "quickly done" shit people are saying? Coachella was a quick addition and Change was recorded in 1 night......thats it. The album was actually DELAYED, she took her sweet ass fucking time with this as we all remember!
  5. Yeah i dont get it. Why sing 1 minute of a song?....just fucking finish it. Makes no sense. Dont.
  6. it will settle at a 79-82 range when its all said and done. still a very good score.
  7. The album has been out for 5 days, wouldn't an UO cover have surfaced by now?
  8. LOL @ people crying about Lana not giving enough notice for cds/shows, she doesn't give a fuck about your damn finances, this isn't a world tour shes doing, they're just last minute gigs and merch signings for promo.
  9. One review said the worst song on the album was Tomorrow Never Came. I stopped reading there.
  10. Thats nearly an 8, what kind of alternate dimension realness!
  11. To be fair he has 1 million followers and even tours the world. I dont know what he does, i assume he lectures about music? reviewing? youtubing? ect. I dunno, but he came down to Australia a couple years ago and he was part of some festival thing i think.
  12. I sub to him, i do like him as a reviewer in thecsense that he obviously loves music, but his Lana stuff has always seemed like he has a massive chip on his shoulder. To be honest i was surprised at his Honeymoon review but even then he compliments her almost through gritted teeth. I also think his dragging of her is something he knows gets him views, he can be so extra with it. I remember some of the comments from viewers on the Honeymoon review, people were actually bummed he semi liked it. I find that weird. And dont even start me high scores for Katy fucking Perry and Kesha music. Its just so.....odd.
  13. Didnt he give BTD 4/10 and UV 3/10 or something?.......you think thats "on point"?
  14. I knew Fontano would hate the trap stuff and Cherry and actually like the rest, not surprised by his post tbh. Tracks 11-16 will be all he is nice about.
  15. The stage is so nice i dont mind it being used, that set list though, gurl cmon, you got 5 albums, choise some new shit. She looks great though x
  16. Old shirts to go with this old as fuck setlist. Isnt she bored of it?
  17. Lol like why would she write her setlist like that, the gays are so thirsty obvs it has nothing to do with the show fml
  18. Good review from Vulture [no score though]. Slant, decent review 3.5/5 GQ UK gave it a good review [no score]. Sputnik Music gave it a 4/5 Not sure if any of those will be used for Metacritic?
  19. Like if shes going to sing Serial Killer all the time then stick that shit on an album already.
  20. I really dont give a fuck about ranking the albums, i like them all and they are all different anyway, but ill rank the songs.... 1-Heroin 2-Cherry 3-Change 4-When The World Was At War 5-Get Free 6-Love 7-Tomorrow Never Came 8- In My Feelings 9- Beautiful People 10-13 Beaches 11-Summer Bummer 12-Coachella 13-Groupie Love 14-Lust For Life 15-White Mustang 16-God Bless America
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