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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  2. mThanks insta and deviantart under the name phatboyart
  3. Its a Bjork album which is half good and half shit. Though i have no idea why its being used as comparison.
  4. I don't see how delaying the album till August means anything. More snippets will leak because shes putting even MORE time into releasing the album lol i know its fake but still it makes no sense.
  5. I know its wishful thinking but i pray to godt that she took the extra time of making this album to polish Coachella. It has a good hook but the production feels like a demo, it just needs a tiny bit of tweaking.
  6. The more i hear from the album the more i can see that while the sounds kinda vary in places it all does seem cohesive. Going from Love to Cherry to SB to GL actually flows well.
  7. I think i may skip whatever 2 songs she releases this week, i need the album to be fresh first listen. Unless one of the songs is Cherry because i already heard it live.
  8. I think this may actually work as a short song.
  9. White Cumstain is 60 seconds long just combine dem clips and we have it xxxxxxxx
  10. All digital, but sketches always start on paper... Then drawing tablet...
  11. Im only half joking really. Like i mean it, but im not actually mad, im just being a bitch.
  12. Some vintage comic covers i drew based on the movies Wonder Woman and Basic Instinct
  13. Lana sis give us dat Cupcakke feature. Even Cupcakke can do cinematic ballads tbh
  14. Honestly at this point id say BAR or a deluxe arent happening.
  15. If heroine reminds you of Lorde you should probably broaden your horizons a little. It existed before her.
  16. Nothing from this abum will be a commercial hit.
  17. Sorry but the album cover without the border loses that vintage touch it had.
  18. Im agreeing, my bussy drops everytime the beat drops in the snippet.
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