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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Remember it says "18 tracks-as of now"..................that could change slightly.
  2. Cant wait. 18 tracks, acoustic, dark BTD bests, 18 songs, collabs, 2 years in the making.......omg omg.
  3. This will no doubt be an overly drawn out tedious release, by the time we get the album we will have heard half of it already, we've already heard 4 songs, she'll prob officially release 2 more [as she mentioned in that interview] which is a real buzz kill once it all finally hits in July and we won't have a FULL new album because a big chunk of it wil be months old, But oh well, nothing much we can do I guess. At least we finally have a date.
  4. LOL at some thinking its a hack. Its July 21st, my God accept and get over yet, the delusions are bordering on deranged at this point.
  5. Me watching you all on Friday when the theres no album
  6. . Yeah i dont feel like she is killing herself either, she happily slides down to the garden below, she doesnt launch herself off it
  7. Do you all not see how dumb you sound saying "surprise release" and then saying "May 26" lol
  8. Exactly lol Ben her manager says the album is out when its done, but bcz some magazines said the 26th everyone has decided that is more accurate than a direct comment from her manager lol mess. Some people are going to have a bad Friday.
  9. Log off then, if youre having such a hard time then go and leave everyone else to post.
  10. I dont see how that has anything to do with anything.
  11. Some of you are so hard to please honestly. The video was cute.
  12. Omg the video looks so high budget, like a movie, the way Abe hugs her omg
  13. How can people say Cherry sounds like NOTHING else she's done? it's trademark Lana, it's Pretty When You Cry, Art Deco, Freak.....even the intro sounds like Shades of Cool. Wtf, clean your ears.
  14. Shes going to say so much... "Whens the album out?" "Soon" "Whens the video out?" "Soon" "When is Cherry out?" "Soon" "How many fingers am i holding up?" "Soon"
  15. Cherry and Freak are slow and sexy, thats why they're compared.
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