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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. The outfit is ugly and LFL sounds dull live but the rest was good, love Cherry.
  2. You cant hear shit in that video but yall scream over it
  3. This is not promo for a July album honestly, the album is either here in a week or two.
  4. Actually you're right. She'll sing Cherry live, she won't release it till one week before the album in July. And the LFL video will be out in 6 weeks.
  5. If she releases Cherry...............by itself................as a song................with no album pre-order..................I will fucking explode in rage.
  6. Why would the modelling agency confirm the date? where is her fucking label!!!????
  7. Coming Soon is the fucking word combo of the year for Lana.
  8. I agree with whoever said she cant sustain promo for 8 more weeks. She would need to do another 6 photoshoots, release 3 more songs, another video ect. it just doesn't make any sense for the album to hit in July with the amount of time she has and how much shit she would need to do for the album promo wise. If we don't get the album May 26, I can see it coming early June at the latest. Then again, knowing Lanas mess promo she prob will go right ahead and release it July tbh.
  9. Lol its not coming in March. You all just need to stop.
  10. If she doesnt say anything during her show this week or when the LFL video is released, then March 26 is obvs not the date.
  11. I dont know why yall are calling Target, youre literally speaking to a single mother of 3 kids on the phone, how would she know lol
  12. Yeah its a dull interview.
  13. The Coachella song came about 4 weeks ago, AFTER that video was made, so no.
  14. That album trailer doesn't mean shit, this roll out for this album has been a sloppy mess, I don't know why yall are so invested in thinking that video has the answers to the secrets of life. She just threw out Coachella which has nothing to do with that video, she literally can and will do whatever.
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