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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. We all know Lanas ability to stick to a plan is fairly low. Maybe she wont bother 4 songs before the album.
  2. Shakira does well in South America and Europe. She has her fans in the US too but shes hardly some sort of mega force there, she hasnt been for years.
  3. Like if Lana died, fans would still go to her grave all "Lana sis, when will we get LIB?" x
  4. Pre-order this Friday with 3rd promo song, Music video next week Monday, album following Friday same week. PLEASE GODT.
  5. She doesn't confirm or deny if WAR is on the album, but since she names it and goes in deep about it im guessing it does.
  6. OMG the description of God Bless America!!!!!! im dying omg it sounds like it will be huge muscially!
  7. LOL omg yall are messy. They mean EVE as in "its coming soon, like really soon", not actually TOMORROW.
  8. She literally just wakes up daily and makes new plans out of nowhere.
  9. Honestly, what a fucking unorganized mess. First Love is leaked ahead of schedule, she had to rush release it, which puts a massive gap between that and LFL the song. BAR is leaked, which then gets pulled from everywhere because its from the new album. Then were told heaps is coming in coming weeks, which was nearly 3 months ago and we STILL have no album release date. Multiple sources say the album is out March 26, she is still yet to confirm that even though its two weeks away. LFL isnt pushed on radio and bombs, she waits week to release the video. Then were told she is going to release a few songs from the album before we get it, then decided to release Cochella, which ISNT from the album during this time, confusing everyone. She doesnt even explain WTF this song is, simply that she loves it and made it 4 weeks ago and the fucking POLISH UMG site announces its not from the album, buts its written in Polish and fans need to decipher it. Like......my god, its not that fucking hard to organise yourself.
  10. True, but she is messy as fuck so maybe its not that deep. She made the song a month ago so technically it is from this era even if it doesnt make the album.
  11. Video out next week in time for pre-order??? plz Lana
  12. I love how the MORE we get from this era and more confused and crazy we get lol
  13. Why are some of you worrying about Coachella having commercial appeal? its obviously not an actual single, its just a promo track, shes released with no fanfair whatsoever, its clearly just some food to feed the fans.
  14. Wow so many breakdowns lol I like Coachella, but i can see why people dont. I like Guns and Roses too though, maybe im just a stan slave x
  15. Honestly, the more i hear it the more i like it.
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