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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. I like it, but it has a weak chorus. I like that mudy trap beat, bit BTDish......but i gotta hear it more. But like does anyone thinks the way she sings the chorus is exactly the same way she sings "you gave it up for looooove" in the chorus of Best American Record????
  2. Song 3 this week Monday. iTunes festival gig or whatever it is on the 20th. Song 4 the next Monday after that. LFL music video on the Wednesday. Album on the Friday, the 26th. Thanks Lana doll, get it happening already.
  3. Give us Cruel World 2, but more psychadelic and not 12 minutes long xxxxxxx
  4. July is not spring, she said the album was a spring release. If we get it July, shes confused as fuck
  5. Well i guess this explains why they've been hanging out, they're prob not even dating, just collabing. As long as its on his album, im fine.
  6. G Eazy will Yoko Ono this era, that diq got her hypnotised, thats all she wants now
  7. She KNOWS other rappers like Kanye and Asap!.....the hip hop guys love her and when she finally decided to use one she picks......G Eazy???? Lana, sis....
  8. I fucking love cake and if someone was making me one and taking their sweet ass time you bet I'd be in that kitchen every 10 minutes demanding for it to be served to my hungry ass x
  9. Agreed, the album will do whatever it will do anytime of the year, she has her fanbase and they'll buy it whenever. Save the "right time" releases for Katy Perry.
  10. Sorry but that article is just a collection of sourceless info, 20 tracks, Fine China, Your Girl, July........no x
  11. Lana serving us skinnty pussy for this ELLE shoot. YESSSSS. But, aren't these magazine shoots good when you know......there is an album OUT?
  12. Pitchfork said it weeks ago. Amazon listed it that date too.
  13. G Easy to destroy this current era with his diq
  14. I can only assume the album IS out soon then. But honestly, she just has no idea how to build hype. Lust for Life will sell less than Honeymoon tbh
  15. If July is the date, fine.....but releasing a album trailer 5 months in advance saying "coming soon" was a bit stupid. But honestly if it was meant to come out march 26, why would a marina collab push the album back 2 months lol.....wtf do they need 2 months on one song for?
  16. Saw Strip Strip Hooray last year, knew it would be good, but was blown away more than expected. She is literally moving art on stage.
  17. Shes trying a bit hard.
  18. If she made a xmas album shed release it March. Shes that bad with promo.
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