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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Its true, we are all so fucking messy. 4 albums in 5 years, 2 new singles, AKA pre eras album and 200 unreleased demos/songs. We literally have material coming out of our pussies.
  2. Also, Max Martin "looked at" one song, why is he the first name of under producers?
  3. Well her and Francesco broke up and its fairly common for women to want kids at some point. Doesnt mean shes going to be pregant by single #4 of this era
  4. So because she was holding some kids a few times all of a sudden yall think she wants to start having them? lol
  5. Obvs the shoots are going to be spread out. Shes not going to have 5 shoots released in the span of a month.
  6. I just drank 3 litres of water but im still thirsty af
  7. I'll need her to do a red carpet in stilettos and sexy gown with big hair before the album is released, give us SEX AND PUSSY QUEEN If they had a big heel they'd be ok x
  8. Do you mean a WOMAN in her 60s? bcz that outfit is some grandma goes to church realness. Those shoes my god. All she needs is these to finish off the look...
  9. That outfit is UGLY lol she looks 75, its Gucci, wear a beatiful dress!
  10. Actually, its a vinyl, the book is vinyl sized too, and hardcover AND 600 pages. Coffee table style books that size are always pricey, 600 pages is huge. Throw in the vinyl and decorative boxset and it does all add up.
  11. $300 for a paper cd case, book of pictures and box with a flap. Lol
  12. Yeah looks like a photoshoot. Shes def in NY for work.
  13. The game is Horizon Zero Dawn and its amazing!!!!
  14. Like im glad but who the fuck is buying it still 5 years later?
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