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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Agreed. The only logical thing to do is put the album up for pre-order with LFL single to purchase with it, tracklist will come later. Tbh id rather an album release date confirmed than a whole bunch of song titles to look at with no clue when we'll hear them.
  2. I doubt we'll get the pre-order before we get the LFL single, and i doubt we'll get the single before May.......unless i' wrong.
  3. Is that blonde though? Always looked like a light burnt auburn to me....
  4. The gays are all she has left, she better cater 24/7 to them otherwise the rest of her career will be a minor blip like the Joanne era.
  5. Lol at her leaving Joanne in the wind so quickly, barely used it at Coachella and when she did it was remixed stuff lol The Cure is a welcome change thank God, evenif its kind generic.
  6. 2 weeks, tracklist. Another 2 weeks, pre-order and Lust for Life song/video. Another 2 weeks, album release. Im guessing, that should lead into end of May like the album is rumoured to come out or at least a week into June or something.
  7. Agreed, the photoshoot is very "rich actress at home in her diamonds", which is what HM feels like to me.
  8. The glamour is back yeeesssss Queen give it to ussss xxxx
  9. Really, old songs on the album??? ugh.
  10. Yes Love sounds like a closer to me. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if a pre-order goes up but the song names are blank except for Love and Lust for Life until the week of release (bcz theyre the only songs you can buy). Alot of artists fo that now on itunes.
  11. Bebin wasn't meant to be for the album, but with the tracklist being like 50 songs....she may have added it.
  12. I read the word kiddies 73 times...
  13. Album title, Lust for Life, album images, skulls.
  14. Ya'll need to calm down with #1 single, highest first week sales BS......
  15. But why is BTD rising on the charts????.... Tropico wasn't an album cover.
  16. But it is essentially her standing in front of a pool. Its pretty but theres no interesting design element to it or anything.
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