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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Lol @ people thinking she was going to wear a witches had and holding a broom. Lordt.
  2. So far her top lip and right eyeliner is off. I wonder what else? is there an off hair strand? maybe a freckle is out if place?
  3. DEAD at so many people all over the net surprised to see her smiling
  4. Oh wow thats her old font! I'm not usually into smiling album covers, but it works here, it looks old skool. The colors are beautiful.
  5. No one told anyone to stop anything, calm down. Based on your post you clearly find all the word vomit riveting and life changing, theres a shit ton of it on here so by all means enjoy, aint nobody getting in your way.
  6. Some of you should get into creative writing, the amount of random bullshit some can create out of vague nothing information is a genuine talent.
  7. Lol i know. As if any people on here look any better, please. Lana could cover herself in sheep excrement and she would still look better than these gays.
  8. Fucking hell are we really going to get into another Honeymoon debate. Ya'll are broken records.
  9. 22 songs? End of the month? FUCK ME UP NOW
  10. Even if she released the cover, tracklist and new somg some if you would still find something to bitch about
  11. Watch the album cover be those whitebackground/green top pics lol
  12. Coney Island King


    All you "better than The Altar" people need to stop.
  13. Halsey is shit, can that loon go to Halsey Daily or whatever, no one here gives a fuck.
  14. Hero is cool, but like......just release the album already.
  15. She said in the album trailer "coming soon", soon doesn't mean 1 week later. And i know the trailer is for the album but i doubt she wants to release 5 songd before the album hits, which is coming "soon" , which could mean 2 fucking months. Well get a song by mid/end of the month i assume.
  16. She just released the LFL trailer a couple days ago, she wont drop new music now. Shes clearly gonna drag this out.
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