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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Ew Troye? why would a 31 year old hetero woman sing a song with a 17 year old gay????
  2. Oh god lets not start with collab talks again because all you flops on here who want Riri and Gaga and Ariana duets with Lana should be banned for life x
  3. Im still saying well see it May, just end of May. Thats still 2 months, and more than enough time for a "coming soon" tag.
  4. I guess, but shes very heavily using Abes logo in her trailer and shes registered a song with his name in it and her manager made a real point of mentioning collabs, so at the very least its pretty obvious she has a collab with Abe. Theres zero reason for her to feature him so much so far if its just a writing credit, that makes no sense.
  5. I think www.conspiracytheoryloonybin.com has a better forum for you.
  6. Lol like theres some cute symbolism in there but its not the Davinci Code x People are writing mathematical equations about a fucking wisk
  7. The song was registered with him as a feature though. So i doubt that.
  8. Well the title track will be their collab, and most likely the next single. Beyond that i dont think he'll be anywhere else.
  9. I will DIE if she joins forces with NASA and rides a rocket ship above the Earth dropping copies of the album onto human kind day of release.
  10. So she even named the whole ALBUM after their collab! lol the Abe haters are going to go suicidal
  11. I know! Hopefully their collab sounds like this https://youtu.be/lrJz9Dh5MsM
  12. *Forum talks about Lana gaining weight* *Lana releases album video cooking ingredients* EAT UP FAT QUEEN YYYEESSSSSST
  13. Fat or thin shes still better looking than yall ugly fucks on here x
  14. Hope to see a Weeknd collab just to witness the meltdowns on here.
  15. I know lol her fuckery is boundless, im genuinly impressed at her zero fucks tbh
  16. She will just post another video of herself listening to someone elses music.
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