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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Charlie Hinds says Lana Del Rey called him in asshole in the first episode of Drag Race. Promo!
  2. My god stop with that fuking gif Just sounds like a gay singing in the bathroom x
  3. "We want promo waaahhhj!!!" :video is being filmed: "We dont want this promo waaaaaah"
  4. I dont want old tracks on albums but i really wish she would release some b-side compilation, evenif its just itunes only, for the fans, no promo, just something extra for fans to enjoy between an album release. It would be nice to have You Can Be The Boss, Kinda Outta Luck, Serial Killer ect. in HQ. Shes performed these on tours and the fans go nuts when she does.
  5. How can any of us forget shes signed to a major label when you say it on here 600 times a day.
  6. She doesnt owe you shit and the self rightous entitlement attitude is hilarious.She didn't put a gun to your head to buy her music. Also, i like how everyone seems to forget shes given us 4 albums in 5 years. What ungrateful vile fans.
  7. That cover is called Paradise gur x Cancer is so cute.
  8. I dont know why you all keep comparing her to fuking Lorde, they are not the same in any way and have music that reachers different types of music listeners.
  9. Yall are so dramatic. We JUST got the lead single not even 2 weeks ago yet and she hasn't given you EVERY DETAIL of the album yet and you think some tragedy us occuring and the album is scrapped. Calm down geez.
  10. Coney Island King


    Yeah not really feeling this track
  11. i see paradise as its own project. it differs in tone and sound from btd and its 9 tracks that feels like it has a proper start/mid/end x
  12. These white background pics keep popping up, im guessing this is a sign of what the album artwork may look like. You tried that gur!
  13. Like parts of UV were surf noir, dunno if we need a whole album of it
  14. Its true, Honeymoon was her best critically recieved album.
  15. Sorry but i could use a bit of over production this era, not the whole album but most of it. I adore Homeymoon, its my fav, but after that album which feels so restrained production wise, i want something much "bigger" feeling this time around, i want to be fuked up.
  16. The album coming after May is waaaaay too far. Love would have come out over 4 months prior :/
  17. There could be SOME shortening, it does go on a bit.
  18. Coney Island King


    The song sounds like some Ed Sheeren/Calvin mess. And why does she look 40?
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