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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Anyone able to picture a lite mid tempo hip hop beat through the chorus?
  2. Honestly i wish she would announce the album release.
  3. I like the song, but dance to it? what kind of clubs do you go to gurr?
  4. I heard it by accident. Its nice, but im not blown away or anything, a grower though for sure.
  5. I heard her on an alternative radio app. Most people i know were hearing VG before it blew up.
  6. I dont think its that deep for a lot of people though, some just genuinly dont guve a fuk what the general public think of her, they just want good music.
  7. Hope she goes back on SNL to perform wearing horns tbh
  8. Well she apparently already filmed the first 2 music videos, so this is either the 3rd or something else....
  9. We should listen to them, they're an Xtina fan, they would know all about flopping.
  10. Her album covers are always very simple so im really not expecting much other than something fairly simple.
  11. Can ya'll go to the Marina thread, she ISNT on the album (as far as we know) and i don't come into the Lana section to read about that boring bitch.
  12. She does NOT look like she just made the best American record. She looks like she wants to die.
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