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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Ok, but where is the actual audio for it? can't see a link anywhere on that site.
  2. Got goosebumps watching this, crowd sing it perfectly...
  3. IT DOESN'T COUNT WHEN IT'S A REMIX!!!!!!!! :noparty: I mean.....YASSSSSSSSSSS :worship: :worship: But at the album version not getting the love it deserves.
  4. Omg i will befriend any Albino for sure dolls, but lets be honest, he's creepy. I'm not against black people who are white, but if i looked under my bed and saw him i'd scream. If i looked under my bed and saw Lana i'd be all "omg yassss!".
  5. She can wear di-a-monds and fur and brush her hair during the show. x.
  6. From what i gather the show is held in rich, Monaco, and the lord/king/richest/somethingsomething guy from that place who has 50 billion dollars one day was all "i'm so rich dolls, and so bored, i wanna meet singers and stuff" so he just created this show. At every show he turns up with his new Barbie doll girlfriend and they are all like "Monaco, Queen of di-a-monds is hurr" and everyone claps and then the show just goes on awarding people and doing random things. Or something like that sort of. It used to be televised but i don't think every country gets it anymore.
  7. Her U.S store is selling the books again, i just bought one online YASSSSSS.
  8. Honestly, as cute as it is that Lana got noms, it really is the most random pointless awards show that no one watches.
  9. YASSS my God the UK like her but they been alseep during this Paradise era, is it the remix that's charting there or the original? SRSLY the album version has smash single all over it. It's got catchy lyrics and is perfect for radio.
  10. Err yes, the entire design of this and the other poster are pure exploitation film pop art.
  11. Srsly Barrie is so disgusting. If he sat next to trash cans I would think he's homeless tbh.
  12. The fuck is Gaga nominated for? BTW is nearly 2 bloody years old.
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