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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Cool. I think his work is a bit hit and miss, but he can pull out some good stuff at times, that's if they actually do anything together.
  2. Well the original is at least getting SOME exposure i guess.
  4. BORN TO SLAY. Yesssss, she may not be a single artist b ut this album has sold strong and steady for nearly 2 years, she ain't no Rihanna flash in the pan album every 6 months BS artist, she keeps it real. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas. x.
  5. She didn't go when BTD got nominated last year did she? I can't even remember.
  6. Remember when Lana said she'd release a mixtape full of BTD left overs a year ago
  7. Art direction focuses on things like costume design, make up, the actual look of a video eg. colours, style ect. Cinematography is more about how something is actually shot/photographed using a camera.
  8. She won't win anything, they'll give it some more popular boring shit like Thicke or McNickel or whatever he is called, the VMA's usually are a popularity contest. 30 Seconds To Mars should win for cinematography though, i hate to say it because i think Ride is beautiful, but their video was really brilliantly shot. NA SHOULD win for art deco though, but we know it won't.
  9. The remix is so generic and shit, honestly. Sigh, happy to see this do well for her either way, but i can only feel depressed that someone had never heard of her before and heard this shit remix first and thought "god she's amazing", not realizing her music is actually so much more interesting and beautifully produced than that cheap Guetta crap.
  10. Lana doll, Australia is still waiting for you to come back x.
  11. I don't know why we are all being so critical, i put on a wig daily and rotate slowly in a circle while brushing my hair just like Lana, we all do it, don't deny it, Adele is just a stan. x.
  12. Yup, there's always someone ready to cry. Just the way it is. Who cares. It's artistic expression, she is free to do as she pleases if doen tastefully imo.
  13. Sorry but don't give me that Virgin pish, we all know Mary got knocked up because she was riding dix in secret, ain't no immaculate conception ever happening on this planets guyz. Mary be doing dat stripping too if she had it her way. And don't even start me on Jesus dating that hooker Magdalene, that whole family loved it dirty. x.
  14. I agree that it's a shame that the remix is getting the spotlight and the original [which is gorgeous] is being passed by, i've always found Lana remixes a bit tacky, there's some music out there that just shouldn't be remixed, hers is one of them. Anyway, whatevs, glad it's doing well for her, tacky remix or not.
  15. I dont think anyone really gives a fuck what "other people" will think, most of all her. She is bashed already, she'll be bashed some more, just another day in Lana-land tbh.
  17. I think this will be the last video/visuals we get from Paradise and the BTD era.
  18. I'm sure her dresses were tiny, but anyone with eyes can see she was fuller figured at least some of the time. Just keeping it real x.
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