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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. um...she's not plus size but i wouldn;t exactly call her teeny tiny...
  2. Let me just REMIND everyone how cunty people can be thanks to all this "Fatna Del Rey" talk in here. Remember when someone made THIS.... ....What were some people saying, "omg Monroe is so FAT compared to her". She really isn't fat at all tbh, she was always a fuller figured girl and still a massive sex symbol. People need to SIT DOWN.....so i brought some chairs for you all...
  3. Next up Adele will get that Egyptian tatto between her tits like Rihanna! x.
  4. The Monroe actress looks Lebanese, i bet her name is Rima. x.
  6. YESSSSS LANA FLYYYYYYY FLYYYYYY YESSSSSS. Maybe it will be a mash up video for all the singles she promised, Dark Paradise, Cola, Bel Air, Gods and Monsters Oh and by the way, about her body, sit down cunts, she is a thin girl but she just doesn't work out is all, she has no tone, but who needs tone when you got legs and a face like that? no one cunts. Keep it real x.
  7. She could have at least picked a better font lol.
  8. Sadly, teens nowdays are too busy listening to No Direction and Taylor Queeft to ever get the production on Cola. Praying 4 a Slaying. x.
  9. I know lol, all this "how dare she be in a bad mood" garbage, who the fuck are all these self rightous fools on this board? Go sit on high horses elsewhere. Tks in advance x.
  10. I usually hate covers albums, but hers have been fantastic. Summer Wine, Chelsea, Heart Shaped Box ect.......a covers cd would fit her very well.
  11. Lana comes across as someone who has no interest in being perceived a certain way in her private life. She's all about the music and image that is "Lana Del Rey" the singer, outside of that i honestly think she rolls her eyes and says whatever she wants based on her mood and time of month. Maybe that comes from the fact that media got so personal with her when they attacked her, or maybe she just doesn't give a fuck, but fans tend to feel connections to their idols and expect them to be like their best friends in high school ect. I don't really, she could give an interview and tell us all that she is infact from another planet and enjoys eating human babies and i'd still buy her album if it was well made, which initially what we are all here for isn't it, the music. Her personality or how she conducts herself should always come second to that, at least it does to me. I don't need to want to hang out with her to be a fan.
  12. Lol @ everyone telling her how she needs to be. She can say and act as she pleases, she doesn't owe anyone here shit, she's not your best friend. If we get anything it will be next year i'm guessing.
  13. Im not paying $60 for a 15 page book on ebay, that's ridiculous, hopefully her official site puts more up soon.
  14. There's a really cute upbeat jazz version played during the film at one point in the background. The song is actually used a lot in the movie in various ways.
  15. Its just not a Lana project unless it's late/never happens.
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