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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. *get new instruments for new album likem spanish guitar* *emile places kettle whistles all over it*
  2. She just means although eh's the face of it, she's not the campiagn creator or anything. Like most campaigns celebrities get involved with.
  3. Beautiful book. I'll def buy it from the site instead of waiting for her show to get here.
  4. Just hand out dem Paradise edition albums at da drug clinic Lana and all of dem will be so much happier x.
  5. The chances of this video being something other than Lana standing around while shots of the movie play in the background are fairly low, i'm really not all that excited for it, like most songs for films the video will be a nothing 4 minutes of glamour shots.
  6. My god that's dark and beautiful. Really one of her best songs in both versions. Just realized since it's a movie song it could be up for an Oscar next year, which means she will need to perform it at the ceremony if she is up. Omg.
  7. Not sure how we can tell which song is best when we've only heard one in full.
  8. Good lord that well.i.suck song is just dire! Lana, theXX, nero and Florence are fantastic, the rest is pretty hit and miss, some of it is hideous. The Gotye track is sublime, but that's a super old song.
  9. YESSSSSSS now i can buy that flask and become Carmen yesssss!!!!! Lana letting me live through her songs #Paypal
  10. I think this song will chart for her, with the movie backing it i wouldn't be surpsied if this becomes her biggest single since VG.
  11. Someone else covering HDB?............not here for that tbh
  12. The snippet in the new trailer sounded really nice.
  13. Oh! i thought her manager would be some fat old man, but Ben is cute.
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