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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. BTD isn't THAT dark, it's not death metal. Anyway, "stripped back" for Lana probs just means not using that kettle whistle anymore
  2. As happy as i'd be to see her again, god i'm over hearing the same 5 songs, especially since she has 8 new ones from Paradise, but....anyway, she looks lovely.
  3. The thread title is misleading. She's working on another album, nothing about it is nearly finished.
  4. I'm gay but if i shared a hotel room with her and she was getting changed out of her clothes i would take a peek sry #Perv #ArrestMe
  5. If you notice, her hair is really dark and then it goes lighter around the bottom, looks nice when photographed.
  6. For those that don't like Lana with dark hair, #KILLYOURSELVES. x.
  7. seriously who photographs so low??? were midgets holding those lenses? girl cant get up from a chair in peace.
  8. 1 year and 7 singles, and people thought this album would flop. Sorry cunts
  9. Wonderful, well deserved. And i like the jacket/hair, i like that she mixes it up, she doesn't always need to be in a dress with flowers in her hair.
  10. Oh i agree, but i don't think that applies to her though,she does play the sympathy card in a very obvious way that comes from a place of forced pandering. But oh well, that's for another thread i guess. Oh yes, i'm aware that no matter how authentic her lyrics or musical involvement is that she still has a product to sell, and she's obviously doing a whole "sad beautiful death obsessed pin up" type vibe with her schtick, she herself said her whole BTD album was very "theme" heavy, and that's obvious and she doesn't shy away from that. However, i just don't know if her obsession with death is something that is used in a way to draw in people, unlike Gaga who really targets a specific type of crowd and just endlessly panders to them, for me Lana's approach is a little less contrived and a more laid back way of going about things. I didn't notice the fans connecting with her whole "death" thing to be honest, i'm sure there are many out there though. I guess what i'm trying to say is that to me, Lana is very much "here is my product, like it or leave it" and if people like it then she's more than happy to keep giving out what she has been doing with her image/product to the fans that connect with the types of themes she talks/writes about. Someone like Gaga is more like "here is my product, i am a freak, i need freaks to like me, let me write freak songs and tell the freaks i'm a freak too so we can be freaks together". She LOOKS for it, she's desperate to connect, she's all over twitter and facebook, posting every possible photo of her face or toe or shoe, Lana doesn't seem like she does look for it, she's just happy to embrace whoever is interested in going on her journey with her and just roll with the punches. I can see what you mean though, you're not wrong or anything, i just wouldn't put her in the same category as Gaga or Rihanna tbh. To me they are massive extreme cases, Lana isn't. I'm probably just reading too much into it anyway, you're most likely just being general really
  11. Gaga was never bullied, she was thrown in the bin once, that's it. That is literally the ONLY story she has and she tells it over and over. As someone who was bullied for 6 whole years in high school through verbal and physical assault, i can safely say, Gaga is full of shit. As for being scared of death, a common fear, sure....but there are a lot of people out there who actually don't fear it. I don't think it's used in a way that Lana is trying to connect with anyone, to me her lyrics and messages are all about herself and nothing more, ideas, experiences that apply to her. I've never seen her as an artist who is trying to connect to an audience through anything but decent music.
  12. The radio mix is awful and as nice as that pic is, i've seen it for 1 year. Oh well, this isn't a big single release anyway.
  13. Video Games on SNL was very average. Blue Jeans sounded AWFUL. Whatever the case, clearly it did SOMETHING because we had an album re-release and she had one of the highest selling albums of 2012. I've lost count of how many times people see SNL and then watch her OTHER live videos and say "oh, she can actually sing!". Anyway, kudos to Lana for still uploading SNL on her channel, she had balls to do that.
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