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  1. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Lana covers L'uomo Vogue music issue + Video!   
    here's a partial translation...
    In her right forearm she has Nabokov's and Whitman's names tattooed, an homage to the writers who, together with Allen Ginsberg and other Beat Generation poets, are her source of inspiration, not to mention the reason why she decided to become a singer.

    "Poets like Ginsberg tell stories using words as if they were paint, combining them to create extraordinary paintings. That's why, when I sensed the possibility of obtaining a similar result through this career, I devoted my body and soul to music, using words and poetry to tell my story and create my own personal painting."

    From the terrace of Château Marmont, Lana Del Rey - artistic name of Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, class of 1985, auburn hair, fiery red plump lips, elegant LA-Mexican ‘vintage beauty pageant’- style features - talks about herself in an unexpected mix of hilarity and depth."
    “If there’s a center of Hollywood, then it has to be Château Marmont. It’s an important place to me, and it has influenced the aesthetic of so many of my videos. Destruction, hope, dreams, elegance, opulence: it has everything.”
    She continues by talking about her last album, Ultraviolence, a title borrowed from Anthony Burgess, the author of the famous book ‘A Clockwork Orange’ from which spun Kubrick’s cult film. “I always knew I’d write an album called Ultraviolence, because I was interested in the concept of ultraviolence, a far too current theme. My encounter with Dan Auerbach (who produced the album) was yet another incitement. The mere fact that he was interested in my work motivated me to start composing. At that point I called my friend Lee Foster – owner of the Electric Lady Studios in New York – and booked 4 weeks of recording time. I started producing alone, with my band’s drummer and guitarist. Then I randomly met Dan in a club and he convinced me to go with him to Nashville, where we recorded with a 7-instrument band from Brooklyn.”
  2. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    or ppl thinking that Blue Velvet is a LDR song.
  3. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Lana Del Rey to be covered in American Horror Story   
    Yeah, cuz OUAD is a LDR song  
  4. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by lflflflflflflflflflf in Celebrity nude photos leak   
    I always wonder WHY the hell people use online banking... it's like they just WANT to be robbed.
    I always wonder WHY the hell girls always wear short skirts... it's like they just WANT to be raped.
    I always wonder WHY the hell Muslims go into airports... it's like they just WANT to be accused of being a terrorist.

    Do you realise how stupid you sound now?
  5. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Mileena in Celebrity nude photos leak   
    I just think the whole thing is so horrible. It's a total invasion of privacy and no one deserves to have that done to them.
  6. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana on BBC Radio 1 on September 16th - CANCELLED   
    Nostradamus teas
  7. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Lana naked pictures?   
    why would it affect me in any way? it's her decision to pose naked, it affects her only. there's nothing wrong with expression of the body.
  8. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by BENTLEY in Lana naked pictures?   
  9. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by insomnia in Ultraviolence Video Interpretation.   
    I agree that the video is pretty hard to swallow but if you look at it from a more insightful point of view, the things it's trying to show are pretty clear. Sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
    First, the quality. I've seen people commenting that the video was boring and poorly made. The video was meant to represent "abusive relationships" as a whole. It is a video anyone could have done with his or her Iphone. That is the idea. These things happen. They are real. The persons commenting thought it was "boring" because they failed to see the videos' primary purpose was not to entertain. It was to tell a story of our immediate reality. The video was meant to be meanigful to everyone that took it as more than pretty images that played next to a song.
    Next, the orange. I am honestly baffled nobody seemed to get this. Oranges are citrus, which in turn are known to be SOUR. Even so depending on your tastes, you might find the orange SWEET. Eh, see the connection?
    What in reality can represent a bad, "sour" thing, was percieved as sweet by the girl an abusive relationship. Violence was love.
    Finally, people complaining that the video was just Lana walking. It was a psyhical and emotional trip. The girl looks back, tries to hide, is unsure of herself, does romantic gestures to make sure she is still loved, stops, but in the end keeps hoing.
    Her outfit and poise are not glamorous because there is rarely glamour in these things, never, from an outside perspective.
  10. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by BLOODSHOT in Ultraviolence Video Interpretation.   
    And in FMWUTTT she'll be sipping on Lorde's blood
  11. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana attacked by a fan in Toronto   
    Maybe she got diarrhea
  12. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Lad in Celebrity nude photos leak   
    JLaw is like one of my faves. I'm so sad for her (and Victoria Justice). This is just so disrespectful.
  13. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Celebrity nude photos leak   
    ew this is so horrible and pathetic. sad
  14. bloodstriped liked a post in a topic by vanillaiceys in Underrated Lana Songs   
    Oh Say Can You See is definitely a masterpiece
  15. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    C'mon Barrie, leak everything you worked on together as revenge. 
  16. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by neuf in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Barrie has recorded sessions with her, doesn't he?  I'm sure maybe he still plans to use the collaboration.  Maybe that's what he meant by not over.  Not really going out but not out of each others' lives completely.
    I liked Barrie    This new guy is attractive but seems boring and generic really.
  17. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by ConeyIslandQueen262 in VIDEO PREMIERE: Ultraviolence   
    most. critical. fanbase. ever.
    There is something special about the filter she used because it creates a perfect atmosphere. Lana looks so fragile and broken-hearted in that teaser and the way she sits alone in a chapel, in a wedding dress, with flowers + the fact that she just broke up with Barrie... sorry I just can't 
  18. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by howiet1971 in Ultraviolence Remixes Released   
    I tried to ignore this but cant anymore. Let's hope you do and then we'll see how funny you find it. And people actually liked your utterly bizarre and twisted comment.
    Christ there are some dumbass's on this forum.
  19. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by MahaMaha in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    You got game boy, game boy, you got game boy, game boy.. 
  20. uzzunov liked a post in a topic by vanillaiceys in Interview with Brazilian newspaper "Veja"   
    Lana Del Rey, the sad indie singer   Depressives songs and a blasé look, the american singer became a popstar and opened doors for another girls that may be considered "different" in the musical scenario. The american singer have 28 years, and have a lot of qualities. She is beautiful, famous, have a big crowd in her performances at festivals and have some special fans like: Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Daniel Radcliffe and David Lynch. Talking about Lana and Kim, the popstar was invited to sing at the Kardashian's wedding earlier this year. And there's some rumors that say that George Clooney asked the same favour and he will pay any price to have the indie singer doing a performance at his wedding. Besides her popularity, Lana recently said that wishes that she was already dead. Her beautiful lips, sad/blasé eyes, and a deep voice made Lana a success. In 2012 with her album Born to Die, her second album in a studio, sold more than 7 millions of copies all around the world.  Ultraviolence, released in june, is following the same way, in a month, the album already sold 300.000 copies on USA   “I was a risk for the record label. It wasn't a good investment. But I'm persistent and I never gave up”
    VEJA: Your road to the fame was long and was ever changing. How do you feel about being the center of the attention?   LANA:It's good to see my style and see how things are working good. I've performed a lot of times and the experience of doing a show in different places is great, they fit with the changes of my mood . The energy that my fans gave to me are great and scares me at the same time. It's always a surprise. Even having some experience, I feel kinda nervous when I see the crowd. VEJA:Do you still have some issues about having a big crowd? 
    LANA:No, especially because I'm not nervous about my album. Now that it's finished, I can give more attenton to my shows. While I'm touring, I can't be creative. But now I feel that it's all okay, it's a part of the job.
    VEJA: When you became famous, a lot of rumors about you were spread, saying that your style is fake . How do you deal with this? 
    LANA: It's easy to judge somebody when you do not know them and know how their personal growth happens. When a singer gets bigger, it's hard to say if they care about their music and if they deserve their success. I'm gonna still doing my work and I'll became more and more mature. On set, I do not have a lot of people helping me and I do not have somebody that makes me do stuff that I do not like. 
    VEJA:If your style wasn't created, it probably have bothered a lot o people because your style is different compared to the actual pop music scenario.Does somebody tried to change your style to fit the mainstream pop style?    LANA: Only at the beginning of my career. I was a risk for the record label. It wasn't a good investment. But I'm persistent and I never gave up. I felt great when "Video Games" became a hit. I really like that song and the version that became famous was the version that I wanted to everybody hear.I played it for like a year and my actual record label liked the song, but they were kinda worried about it because it was too slow.   VEJA:Dan Auerbach produced Ultraviolence. How this work begun? Are you a fan of The Black Keys?
    LANA:I know the work of The Black Keys, but I didn't knew Dan very well. We had a great work together. We've decided to make the album while we were knowing each other in NY. We were having such a great time with a couple of friends and he looked at me and we said "Why don't we make this album together?. I realized that he was the producer that I was looking for. He put on some electric guitars and a 70's style on the album. He also uses the same weird references that I use. Also, it was good to change the producer, I've worked with the same guy for like three years.
    VEJA:With a several leaks, your album was prejudiced. How do you felt about do the same work again? 
    LANA:It was prejudiced, but it was a blessing because I hate those songs. It was basically songs that I wrote for some singers or songs that I was working at, so, when these songs wew leaked, I've realized that I do not like how they sounds like, so I've started all over. When I thought that I had finished them, I met Dan. It was wonderful, it was I met this new sound that I've fell in love.  
    VEJA:Why "Ultraviolence"?
    LANA:It's my darkest album, even with some romantics elements, I do not like to hear some songs, even if I've wrote them. I do not feel okay to listen some tracks, but I feel great when I listen to anothers. Make this album was hard in some moments because if it's not natural, then I do not work well. The time was almost ending, so I had some anxiety crisis, I do not work well under a lot of pressure, but at the end, everything worked in a good way.
    VEJA:So you had some anxiety crisis while you were doing your album?
    LANA: Yeah, I had the feeling that my album would not become a big hit. I really try to not be sad and be a pessimist, but that's who I am. I couldn't like anything that I've wrote for the album, so, I begun to tour and my fans made me feel more confident. In the first week, I realized that it is what I want to do for the rest of my life. It was great, because I was afraid to sing again, but, this year made me feel confident about still singing
    VEJA:Are you okay now?
    LANA:Absolutely. I'm really excited and I love "Ultraviolence". I was really worried and I wanted to write something that I'd like to, because everything in my life was complicated. Music is the only that was really stable to me. I wanted this album to be perfect because I've worked so hard on it and I'll perform the songs at my concerts.
    VEJA:Your "visual identity" and your videos walks besides your musical style. When you write a song, do you think about how the video will be?
    LANA:That's for sure, I always think about the history that influenced the song and how it get connected to what I've wrote. I'm lucky because I've always worked with great directors like Yoann Lemoine and Anthony Mandler. We have a great and unique connection. I've alway wrote the video concept for they. I think that it was kinda boring for they, probably that's why they do not work with me anymore. But the magic is that at the end, everything is like I was thinking about, and it's pretty hard to happen. That's the opposite control that I have at my personal life, I've showed every detail to the directors and they've made a beautiful work. 
    VEJA:Do you have the same cares with the album artwork?
    LANA:Yes, I do. I do love to see the progress of the artwork. For "Ultraviolence", I've worked with Neil Krug, he changed the way that I've seen some stuff. He have transformed polaroids into perfect portraits for my album. For me, the artwork helps to give the album some individuality. So, when I saw the artwork, I've started to see "Ultraviolence" as it is, like the story that it is. The story begins with a electric guitar solo that Dan made in "Cruel World", the first song.
    VEJA:You've moved from NY to LA during the process of creation of the album. How this change influenced at the album?
    LANA:I was living in London for some time and I moved back to USA. So, I've moved to California, I also lived in NY for several years, and these years influenced me to write "West Coast". In "Broolyn Baby", I sing about Brooklyn, as the title suggest. Well, I could bring all my worlds to a album. That's great and makes me happy.


    Sorry for the several mistakes! I'm kinda sleepy, but I've tried!
  21. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by vanillaiceys in Interview with Brazilian newspaper "Veja"   
    Lana Del Rey, the sad indie singer   Depressives songs and a blasé look, the american singer became a popstar and opened doors for another girls that may be considered "different" in the musical scenario. The american singer have 28 years, and have a lot of qualities. She is beautiful, famous, have a big crowd in her performances at festivals and have some special fans like: Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Daniel Radcliffe and David Lynch. Talking about Lana and Kim, the popstar was invited to sing at the Kardashian's wedding earlier this year. And there's some rumors that say that George Clooney asked the same favour and he will pay any price to have the indie singer doing a performance at his wedding. Besides her popularity, Lana recently said that wishes that she was already dead. Her beautiful lips, sad/blasé eyes, and a deep voice made Lana a success. In 2012 with her album Born to Die, her second album in a studio, sold more than 7 millions of copies all around the world.  Ultraviolence, released in june, is following the same way, in a month, the album already sold 300.000 copies on USA   “I was a risk for the record label. It wasn't a good investment. But I'm persistent and I never gave up”
    VEJA: Your road to the fame was long and was ever changing. How do you feel about being the center of the attention?   LANA:It's good to see my style and see how things are working good. I've performed a lot of times and the experience of doing a show in different places is great, they fit with the changes of my mood . The energy that my fans gave to me are great and scares me at the same time. It's always a surprise. Even having some experience, I feel kinda nervous when I see the crowd. VEJA:Do you still have some issues about having a big crowd? 
    LANA:No, especially because I'm not nervous about my album. Now that it's finished, I can give more attenton to my shows. While I'm touring, I can't be creative. But now I feel that it's all okay, it's a part of the job.
    VEJA: When you became famous, a lot of rumors about you were spread, saying that your style is fake . How do you deal with this? 
    LANA: It's easy to judge somebody when you do not know them and know how their personal growth happens. When a singer gets bigger, it's hard to say if they care about their music and if they deserve their success. I'm gonna still doing my work and I'll became more and more mature. On set, I do not have a lot of people helping me and I do not have somebody that makes me do stuff that I do not like. 
    VEJA:If your style wasn't created, it probably have bothered a lot o people because your style is different compared to the actual pop music scenario.Does somebody tried to change your style to fit the mainstream pop style?    LANA: Only at the beginning of my career. I was a risk for the record label. It wasn't a good investment. But I'm persistent and I never gave up. I felt great when "Video Games" became a hit. I really like that song and the version that became famous was the version that I wanted to everybody hear.I played it for like a year and my actual record label liked the song, but they were kinda worried about it because it was too slow.   VEJA:Dan Auerbach produced Ultraviolence. How this work begun? Are you a fan of The Black Keys?
    LANA:I know the work of The Black Keys, but I didn't knew Dan very well. We had a great work together. We've decided to make the album while we were knowing each other in NY. We were having such a great time with a couple of friends and he looked at me and we said "Why don't we make this album together?. I realized that he was the producer that I was looking for. He put on some electric guitars and a 70's style on the album. He also uses the same weird references that I use. Also, it was good to change the producer, I've worked with the same guy for like three years.
    VEJA:With a several leaks, your album was prejudiced. How do you felt about do the same work again? 
    LANA:It was prejudiced, but it was a blessing because I hate those songs. It was basically songs that I wrote for some singers or songs that I was working at, so, when these songs wew leaked, I've realized that I do not like how they sounds like, so I've started all over. When I thought that I had finished them, I met Dan. It was wonderful, it was I met this new sound that I've fell in love.  
    VEJA:Why "Ultraviolence"?
    LANA:It's my darkest album, even with some romantics elements, I do not like to hear some songs, even if I've wrote them. I do not feel okay to listen some tracks, but I feel great when I listen to anothers. Make this album was hard in some moments because if it's not natural, then I do not work well. The time was almost ending, so I had some anxiety crisis, I do not work well under a lot of pressure, but at the end, everything worked in a good way.
    VEJA:So you had some anxiety crisis while you were doing your album?
    LANA: Yeah, I had the feeling that my album would not become a big hit. I really try to not be sad and be a pessimist, but that's who I am. I couldn't like anything that I've wrote for the album, so, I begun to tour and my fans made me feel more confident. In the first week, I realized that it is what I want to do for the rest of my life. It was great, because I was afraid to sing again, but, this year made me feel confident about still singing
    VEJA:Are you okay now?
    LANA:Absolutely. I'm really excited and I love "Ultraviolence". I was really worried and I wanted to write something that I'd like to, because everything in my life was complicated. Music is the only that was really stable to me. I wanted this album to be perfect because I've worked so hard on it and I'll perform the songs at my concerts.
    VEJA:Your "visual identity" and your videos walks besides your musical style. When you write a song, do you think about how the video will be?
    LANA:That's for sure, I always think about the history that influenced the song and how it get connected to what I've wrote. I'm lucky because I've always worked with great directors like Yoann Lemoine and Anthony Mandler. We have a great and unique connection. I've alway wrote the video concept for they. I think that it was kinda boring for they, probably that's why they do not work with me anymore. But the magic is that at the end, everything is like I was thinking about, and it's pretty hard to happen. That's the opposite control that I have at my personal life, I've showed every detail to the directors and they've made a beautiful work. 
    VEJA:Do you have the same cares with the album artwork?
    LANA:Yes, I do. I do love to see the progress of the artwork. For "Ultraviolence", I've worked with Neil Krug, he changed the way that I've seen some stuff. He have transformed polaroids into perfect portraits for my album. For me, the artwork helps to give the album some individuality. So, when I saw the artwork, I've started to see "Ultraviolence" as it is, like the story that it is. The story begins with a electric guitar solo that Dan made in "Cruel World", the first song.
    VEJA:You've moved from NY to LA during the process of creation of the album. How this change influenced at the album?
    LANA:I was living in London for some time and I moved back to USA. So, I've moved to California, I also lived in NY for several years, and these years influenced me to write "West Coast". In "Broolyn Baby", I sing about Brooklyn, as the title suggest. Well, I could bring all my worlds to a album. That's great and makes me happy.


    Sorry for the several mistakes! I'm kinda sleepy, but I've tried!
  22. chloetheunicorn liked a post in a topic by vanillaiceys in Interview with Brazilian newspaper "Veja"   
    Lana Del Rey, the sad indie singer   Depressives songs and a blasé look, the american singer became a popstar and opened doors for another girls that may be considered "different" in the musical scenario. The american singer have 28 years, and have a lot of qualities. She is beautiful, famous, have a big crowd in her performances at festivals and have some special fans like: Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Daniel Radcliffe and David Lynch. Talking about Lana and Kim, the popstar was invited to sing at the Kardashian's wedding earlier this year. And there's some rumors that say that George Clooney asked the same favour and he will pay any price to have the indie singer doing a performance at his wedding. Besides her popularity, Lana recently said that wishes that she was already dead. Her beautiful lips, sad/blasé eyes, and a deep voice made Lana a success. In 2012 with her album Born to Die, her second album in a studio, sold more than 7 millions of copies all around the world.  Ultraviolence, released in june, is following the same way, in a month, the album already sold 300.000 copies on USA   “I was a risk for the record label. It wasn't a good investment. But I'm persistent and I never gave up”
    VEJA: Your road to the fame was long and was ever changing. How do you feel about being the center of the attention?   LANA:It's good to see my style and see how things are working good. I've performed a lot of times and the experience of doing a show in different places is great, they fit with the changes of my mood . The energy that my fans gave to me are great and scares me at the same time. It's always a surprise. Even having some experience, I feel kinda nervous when I see the crowd. VEJA:Do you still have some issues about having a big crowd? 
    LANA:No, especially because I'm not nervous about my album. Now that it's finished, I can give more attenton to my shows. While I'm touring, I can't be creative. But now I feel that it's all okay, it's a part of the job.
    VEJA: When you became famous, a lot of rumors about you were spread, saying that your style is fake . How do you deal with this? 
    LANA: It's easy to judge somebody when you do not know them and know how their personal growth happens. When a singer gets bigger, it's hard to say if they care about their music and if they deserve their success. I'm gonna still doing my work and I'll became more and more mature. On set, I do not have a lot of people helping me and I do not have somebody that makes me do stuff that I do not like. 
    VEJA:If your style wasn't created, it probably have bothered a lot o people because your style is different compared to the actual pop music scenario.Does somebody tried to change your style to fit the mainstream pop style?    LANA: Only at the beginning of my career. I was a risk for the record label. It wasn't a good investment. But I'm persistent and I never gave up. I felt great when "Video Games" became a hit. I really like that song and the version that became famous was the version that I wanted to everybody hear.I played it for like a year and my actual record label liked the song, but they were kinda worried about it because it was too slow.   VEJA:Dan Auerbach produced Ultraviolence. How this work begun? Are you a fan of The Black Keys?
    LANA:I know the work of The Black Keys, but I didn't knew Dan very well. We had a great work together. We've decided to make the album while we were knowing each other in NY. We were having such a great time with a couple of friends and he looked at me and we said "Why don't we make this album together?. I realized that he was the producer that I was looking for. He put on some electric guitars and a 70's style on the album. He also uses the same weird references that I use. Also, it was good to change the producer, I've worked with the same guy for like three years.
    VEJA:With a several leaks, your album was prejudiced. How do you felt about do the same work again? 
    LANA:It was prejudiced, but it was a blessing because I hate those songs. It was basically songs that I wrote for some singers or songs that I was working at, so, when these songs wew leaked, I've realized that I do not like how they sounds like, so I've started all over. When I thought that I had finished them, I met Dan. It was wonderful, it was I met this new sound that I've fell in love.  
    VEJA:Why "Ultraviolence"?
    LANA:It's my darkest album, even with some romantics elements, I do not like to hear some songs, even if I've wrote them. I do not feel okay to listen some tracks, but I feel great when I listen to anothers. Make this album was hard in some moments because if it's not natural, then I do not work well. The time was almost ending, so I had some anxiety crisis, I do not work well under a lot of pressure, but at the end, everything worked in a good way.
    VEJA:So you had some anxiety crisis while you were doing your album?
    LANA: Yeah, I had the feeling that my album would not become a big hit. I really try to not be sad and be a pessimist, but that's who I am. I couldn't like anything that I've wrote for the album, so, I begun to tour and my fans made me feel more confident. In the first week, I realized that it is what I want to do for the rest of my life. It was great, because I was afraid to sing again, but, this year made me feel confident about still singing
    VEJA:Are you okay now?
    LANA:Absolutely. I'm really excited and I love "Ultraviolence". I was really worried and I wanted to write something that I'd like to, because everything in my life was complicated. Music is the only that was really stable to me. I wanted this album to be perfect because I've worked so hard on it and I'll perform the songs at my concerts.
    VEJA:Your "visual identity" and your videos walks besides your musical style. When you write a song, do you think about how the video will be?
    LANA:That's for sure, I always think about the history that influenced the song and how it get connected to what I've wrote. I'm lucky because I've always worked with great directors like Yoann Lemoine and Anthony Mandler. We have a great and unique connection. I've alway wrote the video concept for they. I think that it was kinda boring for they, probably that's why they do not work with me anymore. But the magic is that at the end, everything is like I was thinking about, and it's pretty hard to happen. That's the opposite control that I have at my personal life, I've showed every detail to the directors and they've made a beautiful work. 
    VEJA:Do you have the same cares with the album artwork?
    LANA:Yes, I do. I do love to see the progress of the artwork. For "Ultraviolence", I've worked with Neil Krug, he changed the way that I've seen some stuff. He have transformed polaroids into perfect portraits for my album. For me, the artwork helps to give the album some individuality. So, when I saw the artwork, I've started to see "Ultraviolence" as it is, like the story that it is. The story begins with a electric guitar solo that Dan made in "Cruel World", the first song.
    VEJA:You've moved from NY to LA during the process of creation of the album. How this change influenced at the album?
    LANA:I was living in London for some time and I moved back to USA. So, I've moved to California, I also lived in NY for several years, and these years influenced me to write "West Coast". In "Broolyn Baby", I sing about Brooklyn, as the title suggest. Well, I could bring all my worlds to a album. That's great and makes me happy.


    Sorry for the several mistakes! I'm kinda sleepy, but I've tried!
  23. CruelWorld liked a post in a topic by vanillaiceys in Interview with Brazilian newspaper "Veja"   
    Lana Del Rey, the sad indie singer   Depressives songs and a blasé look, the american singer became a popstar and opened doors for another girls that may be considered "different" in the musical scenario. The american singer have 28 years, and have a lot of qualities. She is beautiful, famous, have a big crowd in her performances at festivals and have some special fans like: Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Daniel Radcliffe and David Lynch. Talking about Lana and Kim, the popstar was invited to sing at the Kardashian's wedding earlier this year. And there's some rumors that say that George Clooney asked the same favour and he will pay any price to have the indie singer doing a performance at his wedding. Besides her popularity, Lana recently said that wishes that she was already dead. Her beautiful lips, sad/blasé eyes, and a deep voice made Lana a success. In 2012 with her album Born to Die, her second album in a studio, sold more than 7 millions of copies all around the world.  Ultraviolence, released in june, is following the same way, in a month, the album already sold 300.000 copies on USA   “I was a risk for the record label. It wasn't a good investment. But I'm persistent and I never gave up”
    VEJA: Your road to the fame was long and was ever changing. How do you feel about being the center of the attention?   LANA:It's good to see my style and see how things are working good. I've performed a lot of times and the experience of doing a show in different places is great, they fit with the changes of my mood . The energy that my fans gave to me are great and scares me at the same time. It's always a surprise. Even having some experience, I feel kinda nervous when I see the crowd. VEJA:Do you still have some issues about having a big crowd? 
    LANA:No, especially because I'm not nervous about my album. Now that it's finished, I can give more attenton to my shows. While I'm touring, I can't be creative. But now I feel that it's all okay, it's a part of the job.
    VEJA: When you became famous, a lot of rumors about you were spread, saying that your style is fake . How do you deal with this? 
    LANA: It's easy to judge somebody when you do not know them and know how their personal growth happens. When a singer gets bigger, it's hard to say if they care about their music and if they deserve their success. I'm gonna still doing my work and I'll became more and more mature. On set, I do not have a lot of people helping me and I do not have somebody that makes me do stuff that I do not like. 
    VEJA:If your style wasn't created, it probably have bothered a lot o people because your style is different compared to the actual pop music scenario.Does somebody tried to change your style to fit the mainstream pop style?    LANA: Only at the beginning of my career. I was a risk for the record label. It wasn't a good investment. But I'm persistent and I never gave up. I felt great when "Video Games" became a hit. I really like that song and the version that became famous was the version that I wanted to everybody hear.I played it for like a year and my actual record label liked the song, but they were kinda worried about it because it was too slow.   VEJA:Dan Auerbach produced Ultraviolence. How this work begun? Are you a fan of The Black Keys?
    LANA:I know the work of The Black Keys, but I didn't knew Dan very well. We had a great work together. We've decided to make the album while we were knowing each other in NY. We were having such a great time with a couple of friends and he looked at me and we said "Why don't we make this album together?. I realized that he was the producer that I was looking for. He put on some electric guitars and a 70's style on the album. He also uses the same weird references that I use. Also, it was good to change the producer, I've worked with the same guy for like three years.
    VEJA:With a several leaks, your album was prejudiced. How do you felt about do the same work again? 
    LANA:It was prejudiced, but it was a blessing because I hate those songs. It was basically songs that I wrote for some singers or songs that I was working at, so, when these songs wew leaked, I've realized that I do not like how they sounds like, so I've started all over. When I thought that I had finished them, I met Dan. It was wonderful, it was I met this new sound that I've fell in love.  
    VEJA:Why "Ultraviolence"?
    LANA:It's my darkest album, even with some romantics elements, I do not like to hear some songs, even if I've wrote them. I do not feel okay to listen some tracks, but I feel great when I listen to anothers. Make this album was hard in some moments because if it's not natural, then I do not work well. The time was almost ending, so I had some anxiety crisis, I do not work well under a lot of pressure, but at the end, everything worked in a good way.
    VEJA:So you had some anxiety crisis while you were doing your album?
    LANA: Yeah, I had the feeling that my album would not become a big hit. I really try to not be sad and be a pessimist, but that's who I am. I couldn't like anything that I've wrote for the album, so, I begun to tour and my fans made me feel more confident. In the first week, I realized that it is what I want to do for the rest of my life. It was great, because I was afraid to sing again, but, this year made me feel confident about still singing
    VEJA:Are you okay now?
    LANA:Absolutely. I'm really excited and I love "Ultraviolence". I was really worried and I wanted to write something that I'd like to, because everything in my life was complicated. Music is the only that was really stable to me. I wanted this album to be perfect because I've worked so hard on it and I'll perform the songs at my concerts.
    VEJA:Your "visual identity" and your videos walks besides your musical style. When you write a song, do you think about how the video will be?
    LANA:That's for sure, I always think about the history that influenced the song and how it get connected to what I've wrote. I'm lucky because I've always worked with great directors like Yoann Lemoine and Anthony Mandler. We have a great and unique connection. I've alway wrote the video concept for they. I think that it was kinda boring for they, probably that's why they do not work with me anymore. But the magic is that at the end, everything is like I was thinking about, and it's pretty hard to happen. That's the opposite control that I have at my personal life, I've showed every detail to the directors and they've made a beautiful work. 
    VEJA:Do you have the same cares with the album artwork?
    LANA:Yes, I do. I do love to see the progress of the artwork. For "Ultraviolence", I've worked with Neil Krug, he changed the way that I've seen some stuff. He have transformed polaroids into perfect portraits for my album. For me, the artwork helps to give the album some individuality. So, when I saw the artwork, I've started to see "Ultraviolence" as it is, like the story that it is. The story begins with a electric guitar solo that Dan made in "Cruel World", the first song.
    VEJA:You've moved from NY to LA during the process of creation of the album. How this change influenced at the album?
    LANA:I was living in London for some time and I moved back to USA. So, I've moved to California, I also lived in NY for several years, and these years influenced me to write "West Coast". In "Broolyn Baby", I sing about Brooklyn, as the title suggest. Well, I could bring all my worlds to a album. That's great and makes me happy.


    Sorry for the several mistakes! I'm kinda sleepy, but I've tried!
  24. Arzi liked a post in a topic by vanillaiceys in Interview with Brazilian newspaper "Veja"   
    Lana Del Rey, the sad indie singer   Depressives songs and a blasé look, the american singer became a popstar and opened doors for another girls that may be considered "different" in the musical scenario. The american singer have 28 years, and have a lot of qualities. She is beautiful, famous, have a big crowd in her performances at festivals and have some special fans like: Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, Daniel Radcliffe and David Lynch. Talking about Lana and Kim, the popstar was invited to sing at the Kardashian's wedding earlier this year. And there's some rumors that say that George Clooney asked the same favour and he will pay any price to have the indie singer doing a performance at his wedding. Besides her popularity, Lana recently said that wishes that she was already dead. Her beautiful lips, sad/blasé eyes, and a deep voice made Lana a success. In 2012 with her album Born to Die, her second album in a studio, sold more than 7 millions of copies all around the world.  Ultraviolence, released in june, is following the same way, in a month, the album already sold 300.000 copies on USA   “I was a risk for the record label. It wasn't a good investment. But I'm persistent and I never gave up”
    VEJA: Your road to the fame was long and was ever changing. How do you feel about being the center of the attention?   LANA:It's good to see my style and see how things are working good. I've performed a lot of times and the experience of doing a show in different places is great, they fit with the changes of my mood . The energy that my fans gave to me are great and scares me at the same time. It's always a surprise. Even having some experience, I feel kinda nervous when I see the crowd. VEJA:Do you still have some issues about having a big crowd? 
    LANA:No, especially because I'm not nervous about my album. Now that it's finished, I can give more attenton to my shows. While I'm touring, I can't be creative. But now I feel that it's all okay, it's a part of the job.
    VEJA: When you became famous, a lot of rumors about you were spread, saying that your style is fake . How do you deal with this? 
    LANA: It's easy to judge somebody when you do not know them and know how their personal growth happens. When a singer gets bigger, it's hard to say if they care about their music and if they deserve their success. I'm gonna still doing my work and I'll became more and more mature. On set, I do not have a lot of people helping me and I do not have somebody that makes me do stuff that I do not like. 
    VEJA:If your style wasn't created, it probably have bothered a lot o people because your style is different compared to the actual pop music scenario.Does somebody tried to change your style to fit the mainstream pop style?    LANA: Only at the beginning of my career. I was a risk for the record label. It wasn't a good investment. But I'm persistent and I never gave up. I felt great when "Video Games" became a hit. I really like that song and the version that became famous was the version that I wanted to everybody hear.I played it for like a year and my actual record label liked the song, but they were kinda worried about it because it was too slow.   VEJA:Dan Auerbach produced Ultraviolence. How this work begun? Are you a fan of The Black Keys?
    LANA:I know the work of The Black Keys, but I didn't knew Dan very well. We had a great work together. We've decided to make the album while we were knowing each other in NY. We were having such a great time with a couple of friends and he looked at me and we said "Why don't we make this album together?. I realized that he was the producer that I was looking for. He put on some electric guitars and a 70's style on the album. He also uses the same weird references that I use. Also, it was good to change the producer, I've worked with the same guy for like three years.
    VEJA:With a several leaks, your album was prejudiced. How do you felt about do the same work again? 
    LANA:It was prejudiced, but it was a blessing because I hate those songs. It was basically songs that I wrote for some singers or songs that I was working at, so, when these songs wew leaked, I've realized that I do not like how they sounds like, so I've started all over. When I thought that I had finished them, I met Dan. It was wonderful, it was I met this new sound that I've fell in love.  
    VEJA:Why "Ultraviolence"?
    LANA:It's my darkest album, even with some romantics elements, I do not like to hear some songs, even if I've wrote them. I do not feel okay to listen some tracks, but I feel great when I listen to anothers. Make this album was hard in some moments because if it's not natural, then I do not work well. The time was almost ending, so I had some anxiety crisis, I do not work well under a lot of pressure, but at the end, everything worked in a good way.
    VEJA:So you had some anxiety crisis while you were doing your album?
    LANA: Yeah, I had the feeling that my album would not become a big hit. I really try to not be sad and be a pessimist, but that's who I am. I couldn't like anything that I've wrote for the album, so, I begun to tour and my fans made me feel more confident. In the first week, I realized that it is what I want to do for the rest of my life. It was great, because I was afraid to sing again, but, this year made me feel confident about still singing
    VEJA:Are you okay now?
    LANA:Absolutely. I'm really excited and I love "Ultraviolence". I was really worried and I wanted to write something that I'd like to, because everything in my life was complicated. Music is the only that was really stable to me. I wanted this album to be perfect because I've worked so hard on it and I'll perform the songs at my concerts.
    VEJA:Your "visual identity" and your videos walks besides your musical style. When you write a song, do you think about how the video will be?
    LANA:That's for sure, I always think about the history that influenced the song and how it get connected to what I've wrote. I'm lucky because I've always worked with great directors like Yoann Lemoine and Anthony Mandler. We have a great and unique connection. I've alway wrote the video concept for they. I think that it was kinda boring for they, probably that's why they do not work with me anymore. But the magic is that at the end, everything is like I was thinking about, and it's pretty hard to happen. That's the opposite control that I have at my personal life, I've showed every detail to the directors and they've made a beautiful work. 
    VEJA:Do you have the same cares with the album artwork?
    LANA:Yes, I do. I do love to see the progress of the artwork. For "Ultraviolence", I've worked with Neil Krug, he changed the way that I've seen some stuff. He have transformed polaroids into perfect portraits for my album. For me, the artwork helps to give the album some individuality. So, when I saw the artwork, I've started to see "Ultraviolence" as it is, like the story that it is. The story begins with a electric guitar solo that Dan made in "Cruel World", the first song.
    VEJA:You've moved from NY to LA during the process of creation of the album. How this change influenced at the album?
    LANA:I was living in London for some time and I moved back to USA. So, I've moved to California, I also lived in NY for several years, and these years influenced me to write "West Coast". In "Broolyn Baby", I sing about Brooklyn, as the title suggest. Well, I could bring all my worlds to a album. That's great and makes me happy.


    Sorry for the several mistakes! I'm kinda sleepy, but I've tried!
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