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  1. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Is This Happiness or Flipside - your favorite bonus track?   
    !!!!!!!!! Someone who shares my opinion! Omg this never happens you are awesome.
    Is This Happiness is in my top 10 favorite Lana songs ever so. Flipside is great but ITH really just blew me away.
  2. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by vanillaiceys in Is This Happiness or Flipside - your favorite bonus track?   

    ITH and PWYC are the best songs EVER
  3. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by ConeyIslandQueen262 in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I don't know about you but I'm ready to bring Lanalysis back to life 
    I'm going to start with Guns And Roses because I think it's quite easy to interpret that one
    Heavy metal love of mine, he loved guns and roses: the local rockstar type again You didn't want me all the time: that boyfriend played a little game with her Cause you were so much better than the rest of them, out of all the others you were the honest man: naive, little poor baby - she still loves him imo Motorcycle love divine: put me onto your black motorcycle    I wasn't the marrying kind, I should have done it anyway: he was the boy she was engaged with ! today she regrets that they didn't marry, so again --> she still loves him We should have left Las Vegas and then began again: so they broke up in Vegas after they had traveled 2 hours to get there, something really serious must've happened Detroit ???: did Lana ever mention Detroit ???, it takes much longer to drive to Vegas from Detroit btw Back to the promised land: she wants to go back to the time when she still believed in their relationship I can feel it coming in the air tonight: maybe she had already feared that they would break up before they actually did because a fight turned out to be quite bad  I can see you bathing in the summer light: they are on a hot location (Las Vegas), it seems like she observes him and still admires him even though they don't talk anymore You got game boy: I don't get it, I just don't get it  as a conclusion I would say that Guns And Roses is about Jimmy. he fits into the entire rock theme and we've already discussed before that Lana adored him as a lover but also a musician while he saw just another fangirl in her. there are also many Yayo references in it which make me neglect the fact that you can't find alcohol or drug related lines even though it's a Jimmy song. Like I mentioned many times before I can't get rid off the thought that Lana still loves Jimmy because he reminds her of dead K.
  4. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Well based on what she said in The guardian interview
     tell me that doesn't sound exactly like Black Beauty.
  5. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    To me SOC and BB are pretty Barrie-esque.
  6. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Neptune-Avenue in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I think were all just hoping so.... The fact that she has him on tour with her , is using his name in Ultraviolence .. and he has written 2 songs (that we know about) for her could indicate one of 2 theories FOR ME.
    1 she needs him as a muse and is still holding onto her relationship with him and needs him to keep her good(clean)?....
    2 she is retelling  the tales of her unreleased songs for us  and jimmy is an important stories she wants to fully tell. and he is just on tour with her to boost his fame.?.
    Im pretty much ok with either of these things being true, but the fact that she Premiered  Ultraviolence live  the way she did makes me feel like it was for him like it was unexpected. he could have been  hearing it for the first time just like everyone else, Then when she is speaking the Spanish lines in the song she looks so embarrassed and shy  like school girl Lizzy :3
  7. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by ConeyIslandQueen262 in Lana Del Rey to VG: "I am still a sad girl" (15.06.2014)   
    honestly, this sounds quite relatable... makes my worries disappear at least a little bit
    we should bring Lanalysis back to life when we have all created some theories who the songs are about. [girlie voice] this is gonna be so much fuuuuun 
  8. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lana Del Rey to VG: "I am still a sad girl" (15.06.2014)   
    This was an interview VG did with Lana around the time she performed in Bergen, so it's from yesterday I believe. 
    Lana has captured the world with her music, but she points out that not everything in her life is picture perfect. 
    After her performance in Bergen she received the high score 5 from VG, and the singer told us that she highly values Norwegian fans.
    "I value being here more than ever now. When I see how the audience sings along, it makes me feel like they accept me for who I am. I feel like they understand me." 
    When asked why there are still sad girls and bad men in her songs, Lana laughs, and answers: "I am still a sad girl, I still date bad men." 
    On the "I wish I was dead" hysteria
    But feeling understood is not always the case for the artist outside of the stage area. In an interview with the guardian published this week, the singer voiced a death wish, which got quoted by media all over the world, including VG.
    But to VG Lana says that the whole situation was blown out of proportions. 
    "I did not actually say that I thought an early death was a glamorous way to go. I just said that like many other people I admire and take inspiration from those who have passed at an early age," referring to her heroes, Jimi Hendrix and Amy Winehouse, who both died young. (Did he mix up Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison when he googled 27 club...?)
    The artist admits to having said that she sometimes wishes she was dead, but that it was taken the wrong way. 
    "Like many people who go through a lot I sometimes wish for my life to end. Sometimes feel like that, and sometimes I don't."
    Lana Del Rey elaborates that every day is different, and that she is not an unhappy person.
    "Sometimes I just feel like it becomes too much."
    Talking about Ultraviolence
    "To me this album is more relaxed, free and sexy. I didn't feel the need to document as much of my life story as I did in Born to Die. This album goes deeper into important moments from my life." Lana Del Rey adds that the album is like her own little personal jewel. 
    The artist struggle when she's trying to explain why so many young girls love her music. 
    "I guess they to a certain degree can relate to what I say or how I say things."
    Interviewer: "But one of your songs from the new album is called "Fucked My Way to the Top". What do you want to convey to those who listen to this song?"
    "I don't censor myself," she says, and adds that all of the songs on the album means something to her and often tells a tale about things she's been trough. 
    She admits that sharing her deep and personal songs from the stage has been nerve wracking. But Del Rey says it has become easier with time. Now she sees that the audience is happy to be at her concerts. And that is why she sees the importance in taking "selfies" with her fans during concerts, giving out hugs and pecks on the cheek. 
    "It's a part of the experience. For them I am the show, but to me they are the show. So I take part in it."
  9. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Ultraviolence Reviews: 74 Metascore (DISCUSS REVIEWS ONLY)   
    It's the classic problem of one member of a minority group having the represent the whole group. People get all mad because the album isn't feminist because Lana is supposed to represent the "artistic, sensitive young woman of 2014" She doesn't do that "well" and..we all look bad I guess? And it upsets music writers, especially younger female ones, because they "want" to be able to go to bat for Lana, but they can't because she isn't playing into their Lena Dunham approved truth, and they don't know how to rationalize liking her, but not all the things she's saying. On the other hand, I think a lot of male music writers do defend Lana for all the wrong reasons...
    In short: Crappy numetal albums don't represent every white male musician working today, so why do all female artists need to be homogeneously safe and empowering? Lana's truth isn't Lorde's truth, and yes Fiona Apple is always going to be a better writer than either of them (because that woman was sent down from the lyrical heavens) and everyone needs to read "How to be a fan of problematic things"
  10. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    Since so many people (myself included) like to lanalyse, here's what I found a few months ago when I tried to understand the difference between Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder:
    Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): causes, symptoms and treatments
    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental illness, characterized by emotional instability.

    What is it?

    Individuals with this disorder have difficulties with impulse control, maintaining relationships, self-image and identity, and may show "black or white" thinking. Self-injury is a common occurrence with this disorder. In addition, BPD is often complicated by other psychiatric conditions, such as eating disorders, residual Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety disorders, and presenting risk behaviors.

    Symptoms of BPD

    Individuals with BPD may exhibit extreme bouts of anger, depression or crippling anxiety. They may be associated with episodes of self-injury, nonlethal suicide behaviors and substance abuse. Individuals may have frequent changes in long-term goals, careers, friendships, gender identity, sexual behaviors and values. Some individuals with BPD view themselves as unworthy; they may feel misunderstood, bored, and empty; their sensitivity to other's judgement is frequently managed in an adversarial way.

    Who is affected?

    Symptoms of BPD usually first occur during adolescence or young adulthood. One to three percent of the general population is affected and women are three times more likely to be diagnosed than men. BPD accounts for 20% of psychiatric hospital admissions

    Causes of BPD

    There is no single factor that causes BDP. However, both environmental and genetic factors are believed to play a role in the development of the symptoms. Research findings tend to show that many individuals with BPD report a previous history of abuse, neglect, or separation as young children and stressful events during adolescence or adulthood. However, many people with BPD haven't been through any abuse, neglect or extreme stress.

    Treatments of BPD

    Most BPD patients are treated with behavioral therapy, medication, or a combination of the two. Group and individual psychotherapies are partially effective for many BPD individuals. Dialectical behavioral therapy, (DBT) which focuses on an exchange and negotiation between the therapist and patient, has been found to significantly reduce self-injury and suicidal behavior in BPD individuals. Medications such as anti-depressants and mood stabilizers may be used to treat symptoms such as depressive episodes or volatile emotional outbursts. Antipsychotics may also be used to treat distortions in thinking and behavioral activation.

    The word PRAISE is commonly used to remember some of the BPD features:

    P - Paranoid ideas
    R - Relationship instability
    A - Angry outbursts, abandonment fears
    I - Impulsive behaviors
    S - Suicidal behaviors
    E - Emptiness
    To know if she has this exact disorder is not that important, I mean it won't change anything, but somehow I wanted to share as I like to demystify mental illness. I don't think she behaves very consciously when she lies or exaggerate situations. Or she may act half-consciously, like she can't really control it. She seems to mix reality and her fantasy world she created.
  11. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    All the love from her fans will never fill the emptiness she feels inside or increase the love she doesn't have for herself. That's not real love, it's not shared, she's not connected deeply with people and it's understandable. The applause is just a thrill. It's not reality. And she can't face reality. She can't find a place where she belongs, she can't find people to rely to and she have a hard time keeping meaningful relationships. She still feels alone when there are so many people who would like to love her and care for her. I might be wrong, but that's how I see things. It's sad.
  12. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by MahaMaha in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    I just hope she'll find some peace again soon and figures out the right path for her to be happy. But I don't really know why some of you are totally surprised like this girl is singing about running towards gates and how 'cheap thrills' get her closer to death etc. I guess she truly believes in life after death and she's just longing for paradise. You know she says she lived a long life, she has no ambition to go on.. I really hope she and Barrie aren't toxic for each other, they may have huge empathy for their partner, but maybe they drag each other down sometimes. But yeah I see the fact she's mentioning this in an interview is worrying, hope she battles through it until she'll find some sort of balance again "living with my sadness" as she would put it. 
  13. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Gangster Bitch in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    Jfc this is one of the most depressing interviews I've ever read regarding anyone, most depressing of hers for sure. I don't agree with the 'why is she still putting music out there if she feels this way' perspective; she's a creative person, I mean she's not even 30 yet and we have like five albums worth of songs from her, she obviously likes creating. I think it's the whole... sort of MTV~ side of it that overwhelms her, she's putting something personal out there to share with fans, I can see why she would be baffled when a critic at guardian who's never met her says 'this album is trash', it's not easy as it sounds to tune the public out. I honestly do think she enjoys the connections she has with the fans, and the whole coming down to the front row isn't a PR schtick, you can *tell* she gets emotional when she's met with such amazing praise and love from the fans. 
    Having said that, this interview puts UV into a new perspective for me, it's always one thing knowing she's had *some* life, but having it so blatantly shoved into your face is another thing. I just hope that it's one of the phases in her life where she feels that sort of way, and not her entire thoughts regarding her career. Cause I also remember her saying how she was going to take a break and she wasn't feeling it anymore after Tropico, and like not a month after that or st, we got news for UV. So yeah, hope she's just going through the motions, and most certainly not always wishing that she was dead already, jesus Lana. 
  14. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by KillKillQueen in Ultraviolence Reviews: 74 Metascore (DISCUSS REVIEWS ONLY)   
    On the contrary, he seems too crotchety and bitter to not be well versed in classic dad-rock, and the idea of a highly stylized 28 year old woman appropriating that sound for her "childish, monotone, etc) songs about death, abusive relationships and opulence is upsetting to him. Even when he begrudgingly admits some minuscule thing about the album doesn't suck, he makes sure to attribute it to a man. Also "her vocals make it sound like she just slipped herself a date rape drug" Fucking really? Let's just stick with the benzodiazepine comparisons if we must do the "lol how sedated is this bitch" thing.
    Even if Lana doesn't see the sexism in some of the critique surrounding her rise, it is there, and it has always been there. 
  15. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana's interview for Neon Magazine   
    @@yourdangerousgirl Can you link the original source in your OP?
    Right, because all women are so unstable and irrational...   
  16. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Go Go Dancer in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    i would too give you a warning point for raping my eyes with that color scheme in your text
  17. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Mimicking me is a fucking bore
    Lorde, Gaga... you guys are all missing the fucking obvious when it comes to FMWUTTT. Who do we know that mimics Lana and has fucked their way to the top?
  18. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    FMWUTTT has been totally ruined for me when she started slut shaming. I'm really disappointed.
  19. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by SweetLikeCinnamon in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    Waiting for UV

    I'm bored 
  20. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by lafleursauvage in Lana Del Rey in ELLE Magazine (France)   
    Hello everyone! 
    I have found another interview, forgive me if this has already been posted but I can't seem to find it anywhere else on the board.
    I've done my best to translate it from French to English!
    (Original Source here)
    PS: The "OP Notes" are mine, just to elaborate certain quotes.
    Q: Ultraviolence, why this title?
    A: "The juxtaposition of "ultra", which gives a certain idea of luxury; and "violence" which, to me, reflects the sound of the album really well — it's chaotic but also street music. [OP note: In other words, the album has a very laid-back and down-to-earth feel.], melodic and sophisticating. Altogether then, [the word] Ultraviolence also means that I've lived between these two states; in my private life, a serene kind of love; in my professional life, a lot of negative press, in my opinion... "
    Q: But sadness inspires you, no? 
    A: "More so melancholy than sadness. This is where I've found amazing outcome, but I've also had many personal problems to overcome. I have a large family, lovely but complicated. I am responsible for my brother and my sister, who live with me. And I have some trouble moving from one world to the next." [OP Note: meaning, she has trouble finding balance between her personal and professional life.]
    Q: You have also had some traumatizing years with regards to your problem with alcohol?
    A: "Difficult, not traumatizing. You see.... I am alcohol-prone. In my family, we are all like that, through many generations. Drinking whiskey, it's in my genes! [laughs] As well as being a little off-the-wall."
    Q: How did you cope with all the criticism about you? 
    A: At the time, I was disappointed. When you release an album, you think it will go unnoticed [by the public], meaning, if it is listened to, it will be appreciated, [but] I never truly predicted that many people would listen to it, and that so many would have such bad things to say about it! As a result that means I've never made a single declaration [about it] because I didn't know what to say."
    Q: Was it a masochist reaction?
    A: "No, a lot of the attacks came from female journalists. I spoke to them, I knew what they thought. What's happened to me is a product of what journalism is today. The articles describe more the reactions from the critics listening to my music, [rather] than [focusing on] the songs themselves."
    Q: Maybe it's because you like to take clichés and use them [appropriate them] for you?
    A: "Exactly! In an interview they asked me, 'why do you speak about Marilyn Monroe or Elvis? It's really so cliché!' But I hardly know it because I lived in my own world for a long time. For me I have an intimate relationship with these stars. I've read and re-read their autobiographies. Like the man in my video, who is my tattooer, Mark Mahoney; someone who is very important to me, who has changed my life. In the video, "Tropico", there are also kitsch clichés."
    Q: Your looks has changed, it's more rock... 
    A: "They have criticized me, saying that I was fabricated, when I really wasn't all that different from any other girl. As a result, I tell myself that in showing myself more naturally, much like how I am in my life, the confusion will be less. At the same time, as soon as I want to prompt a reaction, I come across as the opposed, so..."
  21. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by Kommander in Interview for Paris Match   
    Paris Match (french magazine) just released an interview with Lana : http://www.parismatch.com/Culture/Musique/L-incomprise-568187
    Usual kind of Lana interview, new informations about the recording of Ultraviolence, her relations with her father, etc. and a new line from MPG

    Here's my attempt to translate it :

    The Misunderstood

    Ten days before the release of "Ultraviolence", her second album, the American singer received us to the point on the passions she unchains.

    Paris Match-You often declared that you wanted to stop everything, that you do not wish to sing any more. And nevertheless, you bring out your second album …
    Lana Del Rey-When I declare this kind of thing, I really mean it. But often, people asked me if I had a new album ready. And I didn't have any. I would not have enjoied crying out that I had a wonderful record if it had not been the case. It was often badly interpreted, transformed into " she will never sing again ".

    What triggered the desire to sing new songs?
    My meeting with Dan Auerbach. He really changed my life, simply by being what he is: a funny, nice guy. We met in a club the 21th December, we danced on the dancefloor. And he said to me with a grinning tone: " you should come with me to Nashville, and we will see what will happen there" I took the plane with him … I wanted to try, and thanks to him I understood that I had no fun any more with my team.

    You did not have songs in stock at that point ?
    I had an entire album ! I recorded twelve tracks, I had produced everything myself, but Dan opened my eyes. He told me that my songs sounded too much like classic rock, too seventies. And he took things in hand.

    Did he dispossess you of your album?
    Yes, but it was for my own good. Throwing myself in his arms was also a way to put me in danger. He brought a different way of playing, different instruments, he gave an organic aspect to this record, which I thus recorded twice. Every evening we partied with the musicians, we listened to the bands, it was a real pleasure during five weeks. And it made me infinitely less nervous.

    In your texts you show yourselves becoming more and more sarcastic. " I want the money, the power and the glory ", you shout out. Need to let off steam ?
    Obviously... If this record is called "Ultraviolence", it is because it describes well what I felt in my private life. I lived the joy of seeing that my songs pleased and, at the same time, I had to put up with the criticisms, often very virulent. And it leaves scars. But I reassure you, I do not want either the power or the money, or the glory, but it's been said so much about me that I eventually took them literaly … Some songs are a big " fuck you " to all those who think instead of me, all those who think that they know who I am, what I want. Every day I have to face people who think that I am a joke. And the worst, is that my career was launched on this misunderstanding !

    Did you really suffer from it ?
    Yes, it was hard, I was unhappy, I felt miserable. And I still did not overcame it, I do not know if I'll be able to do so one day. Carl Jung said that what people think of you always ends up becoming a part of your psyche. Whether you like it or not. So, yes, at a point, I eventually admitted that I was the one that people described on the Internet, in newspapers, the "manipulated doll". It changed my way of seeing my career, but did not affect at all the way I write. And this is what is the most important in the end.

    Don't you think that sometimes you provoked these reactions ? We saw you in ads for H&M, for example, which has nothing to do with the music …
    I made only one advertising campaign for H&M. The rest, I was recovered … H&M supported me in a period when I could not trust many people. It felt good.

    Who turned their backs ?
    The musical magazines. They praised me in July just to belittle me in January. I had to change my plans, find people apt to like what I do to relieve my music differently. Then why not H&M? In these moments, or you drown or you swim. I chose not to be taken away by the wave.

    But still you wrote " My pussy taste like Pepsi Cola ". Do you understand that it does not please some people ?
    [she laughs] Oh come on, honestly, that did not make you laugh ? People need to stop taking everything too seriously. It is the only provocative sentence I might have written and I find it particularly funny

    Younger, did you dream about this life ?
    I wanted to become a singer, but I did not know how to reach there. It is true that I dreamed to sing in Italy, to come to Paris, to sleep in Versailles. I imagined in no way that I would be singing for Harvey Weinstein, in Cannes, or writing for films. My road is really surprising, Each day still brings a lot of surprises, good or bad.

    The rumour says that it is your father who financed your first album.
    No, I had no relations with my father at that time. He's a very good person, but he doesn't know anything about music. And, frankly, do you really think that you can buy a contract from a label ? The truth is that when I was 18, I participated to a songwriting competition and I met the boss of a label which offered me a contract one month later. During two years nothing happened, my disc stayed in boxes. I thus continued to sing in clubs. The story of my father is a good story for the magazines, but it is false. My parents wanted me to find a "real" job, to become a lawyer. They did not believe in the music. I lived in New York with my fiancé, my parents in Lake Placed, which is like 7 hours aways from NY. They were far from my reality.

    You lived ten hard and difficult years. What remains of them ?
    I was often discouraged, I was already making my own videos which nobody noticed. So, yes, I thought that I would never have any success, but I always knew that I was a singer, that I had something different from to the others, a voice, especially. I also knew that the music pleased me more than people, it was a world where I felt at home. Before "Video Games" exploded, I thought about finding a job to sustain me… I was 24 years old, I sang for seven years, I had arrived at the end of a cycle.

    Did moving to Los Angeles change your life ?
    I moved in Los Angeles only last year. When things were carried away to me, I settled down in London where I lived three years. L.A. did good to me, I met a musical community. And I have the impression that I found a safe place, a loophole.

    Is it important for you to be American ?
    No, even if I love my country. I spent so much time in planes that I do not feel any more attached in the United States. Here, in Versailles, I feel at home. And I felt the same way the first time as I stepped in Los Angeles.

    Do you have any friends in the industry ?
    One or two, no more …

    Friends from before your rehab ?
    I didn't have any at that time. I was very lonely, alone, well,I had alcohol, but I was so high that it does not allow to create true relations. I met my best friends in New York, once I was clean. I regret a little bit this period because I am not really happy in my current life.

    (Lana Del Lawyer : Born to Judge )
  22. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    My translation:
    She is back, in fact everywhere! She even sang at Kimye’s Wedding. Next week her new album “Ultraviolence” will be released with hit songs like “Shades Of Cool”. But we think it’s the coolest how openly Lana talked with us about her chaos flat share, bad gurus and her desires and addictions.
    First Coachella, then Cannes, eventually Versailles: Recently Lana Del Rey is jetting from one show to the next but when we met her at a luxury hotel in Beverly Hills she seems completely relaxed, indeed she lives just around the corner. The beautiful songstress who redefined the meaning of “Retro-Coolness” when in 2011 she suddenly appeared and took over the charts, just moved from New York to the beach. So she comes to the interview like a real surfer girl – she wears short jeans, a pale shirt, sandals – and surprises us with her kind naturalness that we honestly didn’t expect from the unapproachable seeming siren of wide screen pop…
    Did the life in New York become too hectic for you?
    Well, my record label is located in L.A. I originate from Lake Placid a place in the mountains. So the Pacific feels like paradise. Now I walk  barefoot through the sand as often as possible.
    And you think: You have come a long way?
    Well yes, but not concerning my carrier. But in terms of lifestyle. I think that this cool beach life fits me better than New York. And I love the heat.
    Your status as global star as well?
    On some days I can do that but on others I’m struggling with my identity and I don’t know where I belong. Fortunately those good days get more and those bad ones less. And that risk that I lose the ground beneath my feet doesn’t exist anyway.
    What makes you so sure?
    I have a big family so I don’t really have to pay attention on staying down to earth, it happens automatically. At home it’s mostly about Charlie and Caroline and about what they want.
    Who are…?
    My brother and my sister. They are younger than me, 20 and 25. I kind of look after them. Wa all live in the same house. We three and Barrie my boyfriend.
    Sounds like a lot of fun.
    Well, we’re all living through some huge changes. Barrie left his band, my siblings are just becoming grown-ups.
    And which change are you living through?
    I’d really like to have a steady emotional stability. I’ve been looking for that my whole life. Naturally I’m a quiet, reserved observer.
    For being a star you seem surprisingly introverted.
    I come from a family in which we talked about our problems in a small circle. I grew up like that. Unlike those people who seem to live on Twitter and believe that they always have to provide information about anything.
    How do you manage to be not as omnipresent as for example Lady Gaga?
    You can control that. For example if you live at the edge of town like we do, in a normal area with completely normal neighbours.
    When you got famous like overnight people doubted about the authenticity of your music.
    Yeah, a huge topic. I’ve always felt confident about my music. Who doesn’t have to say anything cannot create pop music. I already know that later I’ll tell the whole story of my live to my children on the basis of my songs.
    Like you do in “Fucked My Way UP To The Top” on your new album?
    It’s about a singer who first sneered about my allegedly not authentic style but later she stole and copied it. And now she’s acting like I am the art project and she the true super artist. My God and people actually believe her, she’s successful! I shouldn’t continue ranting, it doesn’t get anywhere.
    But now you have to tell us who you’re talking about.
    Unfortunately I can’t, you know?
    What else are you going to tell your children (and us)?
    I used to be a member of an underground sect which was reigned by a guru. He surrounded himself with young girls and he had this insane charisma I couldn’t resist as well. So I was in this, I’ll call it sect, because I was longing for love and security. But then I found out that this guru wasn’t a good but a bad person. He thought that he had to break people first before he could build them up again. At the end I left the sect.
    Yes, it looks like I would attract wild stories and extreme experiences. (laughs)
    What else?
    Our family has a long history concerning addictive behaviour. Even pure madness exists at our place. Like that I had a higher risk than other people for not being able to handle alcohol…
    Yes, for ten years I haven't touched a drink - but I'd somehow really like to. After all it could be that now I’m able to handle alcohol better.
    Why do you believe this?
    Well, I threw anchors. But I have to find out how to harmonize the urge for – emotional and literal – solid ground beneath the feet with my ambition of moving on as an artist. Right now I have no plan how this should work out.
    So no children for now?
    I would be ready! (laughs) But Barrie is younger than me and he isn’t in the mood for children yet.
    You worked as a model for H&M and Mulberry. Do you know what the fashion branch sees in you?
    Phew, I don’t know! As an indie singer in New York I couldn’t afford any stylish or expensive clothes at all. Probably my face was just coincidentally at the right time at the right place. And how does the saying tell? Go there where it’s warm.
    Hope there aren't too many mistakes in my translation. ^^
  23. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by veniceglitch in Lana On Cover of Clash Magazine (UK): Music 'not worth' all the bullshit?   
    Lana is on the cover of UK digital magazine Clash this month. (Hopefully someone can buy it and post the whole interview!) The theme of the issue is, fittingly, The American Dream.

    They tease with a blurb about her talking leaving music (again).
    'In an interview with Clash for this month’s special American Dream-themed issue,Lana Del Rey admitted that she considered quitting music after her breakthrough album ‘Born To Die’.
    Speaking with our own Joe Zadeh in California, she shed some light on her feelings at the time of the criticism that accompanied her early rise to fame.
    In response to us asking regarding whether some of the criticism ever made her resent becoming a musician, she responded:
    “All the time. Every day. I didn't want to do it, ever. You can make music, just for making music – you don't have to put it on YouTube. That was definitely a viable option for me. I have a lot of passions and making music was always something I would do for fun.
    “But from what happened, it wasn't worth it most of the time. It’s still not really worth all the bullshit. But, meeting people like Dan Auerbach, making a record (‘Ultraviolence’) that is perfect for me, and being able to tell my story through music – that is totally amazing. But that is where it begins and ends. Sometimes I meet people who are really cool, but most of the time it isn't like that.”'
  24. vanillaiceys liked a post in a topic by ConeyIslandQueen262 in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I think UV is definitely about Jimmy ! Call me crazy but here is my Lanalysis:
    "deadly nightshade", "loving you is really hard": it wasn't a simple, happy relationship with an ordinary guy. K & Jimmy are the only guys who would've called her like that imo "filled with poison": Lana used to drink a lot of alcohol at this time, so it must be about one of her early realtionships (again K or Jimmy), and we also assumed that they met in rehab "Jim taught me", "your my cult leader" : we've said before that Jimmy inspired her to be a better musician, she used to "stalk" him, so maybe he was like a teacher or idol to her "he hit me and it felt like a kiss", "he hit me but it felt like true love": I don't think this is meant literally, maybe it's more like he wasn't that interested in her in the beginning but she didn't understand his behaviour and was just happy to see him "Jim brought me back", "Jim raised me up": he was her cure in rehab "reminded me when we were kids": the we could be about K & her, we've already figured out that Jimmy probably reminded her of K because both of them had a drug addiction and were "bad boys" "I can hear sirens": again an allusion to K, maybe she left Jimmy because she knew that she couldn't take it to see another boyfriend going to prison as well --> so maybe it was "ultraviolent" for her to leave him ? "I could've died right there": well yes, she had a "bad disease" at that time if you get what I mean "he was right beside me": again rehab ? "we could go back to New York": OMG, they were in rehab together and then they were planning to go back to NY for music perhaps "where they don't know who we are": they are both famous now "I love you forever": she let him come on tour with her   
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