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honey dew

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Posts posted by honey dew

  1. 1 hour ago, Americen Whore said:


    Ok this is insane. She is not only climbing up the H of the Hollywood sign and at Coachella leaning on your shoulder, but she is also  somehow young and in love AND her peaches are ruined???!

  2. A horrible tragic year for music, the only albums I truly loved were Ocean Blvd and M.I.A.'s mixtape. COVID really separated the girls from the adult human females. A lot of girls made their best albums before 2020

  3. On 12/22/2023 at 10:42 PM, mermaidsparkle said:

    I'm getting tired of yee yee country girl Lana. I know she had this whole folk/country schtick during her Lizzy Grant days but it felt more ironic back then. It was different. Like the exaggerated southern drawl she used on Mermaid Motel or in Trash Magic. Singing about Christmas lights on trailers and stuff. It was camp. I miss that. 

    Oh but if you really got Lana's tea you would know that current country Lana is hypercamp

  4. 1 minute ago, Elle said:

    I have soooo many lyric-related questions I’d love to ask her.. or even just share my thoughts and interpretations of her lyrics and see what she has to say about them. Her incredible writing and the interpretive meanings I found within her songs are what initially drew me into her music above anything else. As a fellow songwriter myself, I love to interpret her lyrics to see what I can make of them - how her life stories and personal thoughts can be strung together into beautiful lyrics and melodies to construct an art piece in the form of a song. Of course, I consider her the greatest songwriter I’ve ever had the honour to listen to, and I would luvvv to just sit down with her quietly for awhile and tap into her brain when it comes to her writing process and the meaning behind her lyrics. Would truly do anything for that lol x


    See and even just your writing style is so eloquent and intelligent. I feel like Lana would respond really well not just to specifically the owner of Lanaboards interviewing her, but someone who so clearly wants to get to the heart of things. We’ve had enough interviews of rehashing the same old themes of authenticity, image and controversy. The fans do not care about this stuff 😑 It’s time we facilitate an interview about the intricacies of Lana’s art. Her words, melodies, symbols and metaphors, inspirations, intentions, creative process. Her universe. And to uncover all of that, someone deeply passionate and sensitive to her work needs to be the interviewer. It’s a task only a true mother could pull off

  5. 43 minutes ago, Elle said:

    I love that line, but it certainly is complex. Here’s my simple personal take on it, especially with the context of her using Greek mythology and poetry as metaphors in her writing. It seems Lana finds comfort in metaphors (as do I, I love a good metaphor) and will often use them to sort of “soften a blow” of a hardship she’s sharing in her music, poetry, etc. For example, writing “they said to say yes but I did and I don’t like how it turned out” after taking influence from the Ulysses reading with the repetition of the word “yes” in the final lines. Or, in this interview noting how people have been burnt by certain paths they take in life, and after rather nonchalantly mentioning that she hasn’t yet had children after previously expressing she hoped to one day, says she’ll keep exploring life’s opportunities until something melts her wings - like Icarus after flying too close to the sun.

    In these two recent examples, it seems she’s using references to Greek mythology and poetry to process and understand her own life & emotions and find comfort in the connections.
    So, in that line when she says “they say there’s irony in the music, it’s a tragedy, I see nothing Greek in it” I take it to mean that she’s unable to find the beauty or the art in the hardships that have happened (such as the loss of her family, friends, other details she shares in the song) & while others may find irony in her music and view her sadness to be beautiful or artistic in a way, it’s not how she sees it this time. She can’t find that comforting tie in to relate her own story to that of an artistic myth or beautiful poem, so it is only what it is - just a tragedy.

    To simplify - I see nothing Greek in it = I see no beauty/comfort in it

    I think that’s also why in Fingertips she says everything sort of plainly/straight to the point especially in the latter half of the song following that line. The lyrics are quite diaristic. Instead of taking her thoughts and stories and attempting to string them into beautiful/artistic lyrics to soften them, she’s just telling them as they are. She can’t find that beautiful connection, she can only see the harsh tragedy. As the song progresses, the lyrics get more and more raw - until we reach the very final lines of the song where she ties in Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love & beauty, which is perhaps her final attempt of trying to find the beauty in an ugly situation.

    I hope I explained that all in a way that makes sense. But either way, that’s just my own interpretation - I love that lyric, so I’d love to hear any other interpretations as well x


    Oh I wish you could interview Lana. How some people have received that once in a lifetime opportunity to interview the greatest living artist in the world and somehow manage to produce the most boring and banal dialogue ever.. it defies explanation. TaP if you’re reading this we need an interview from the mother of Lipsters

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