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honey dew

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Posts posted by honey dew

  1. The production on this album is so fucking good also Lust for Life the song is my favourite from the album idk why people dislike it I think the spoken verses in that phone sex operator voice over the 60s beat are soo intoxicating and that old "wall of sound" description was so spot on like the prechorus and chorus absolutely slam I remember waking up in the middle of the night to hear the song debut on the radio overseas and from the first motorbike fart I was floored

  2. 21 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    Her label has become soft, they need to force her to ditch jack and gag her legally from announcing release dates.  I think all artists need a strong label and management to stop them going off the rails, I think because of Lana’s personality some control is good for her. Ben’s let her do as she pleases which is poor management, he needs to start cracking the whip like he did with the NFR cover. 

    Ok we're asking for totalitarian music management now got it

  3. 8 hours ago, Selfloathinpoet said:

    I don't know if you have ever seen this hateful comment against Lana in which they attacked her saying that all her music sounded the same. That comment always seemed stupid to me because we all know that all Lana albums sound different.
    Now I'm afraid that will become a reality because come on, we all noticed that BB snippet sounds something like Chemtrails... And once again all my excitement is gone, I like Chemtrails but I couldn't bear another album like that.


    I thought the BB snippet sounded pretty different to chemtrails if anything the synths are quite Ultraviolenceian like giving very Black Beauty (BB......BB... .....??) except there's like no treatment on her voice idk I have hope even though I didn't really like chemtrails and this coming consecutively is worrying but hearing even 30 seconds of Lana's voice over a presumably non-Jack instrumental is so refreshing

  4. On 5/7/2021 at 7:43 PM, honeymo0n said:

    What do you guys think of Chemtrails now? It has been released for a few months already and I reckon most of you have formed an overall opinion of it.

    I'd say that I really really enjoyed listening to it once it came out, had the entire album on repeat for around two weeks in a row, but then I stopped listening to it. Now it seems to me that it's kind of like a mood album, which I can only listen to once I'm in that specific mood. Currently, I haven't listened to it for quite some time, which is kind of upsetting


    I really only listen to the first three tracks which I adore but LMLYLAW completely takes the wind out of the sails for me and the album just doesn't recover after that it's like a rollercoaster with the big drop at the start and then the track is completely flat and you just roll until the carriage stops


    Honeymoon is slow but so lush and has a sexy dull fire whereas chemtrails is so sparse and Antonoffed

  5. Idk if this topic has been made before but I want to discuss intros and outros. Lana has some of the most captivating intros that make me stop dead in my tracks and outros that make me also stop dead in my tracks and take an already brilliant song to another level before it's over. Imo these are moments that make her such a singular artist


    My favourite intros are:

    1. Honeymoon - The double bass with the glissando violins girl so glamorous and dark and BEAUTIFUL it's a pinnacle Lana Del Rey moment for me it's perfect there's nobody else that could pull this off Honeymoon is just beyond


    2. California - So heartbreaking and gorgeous I remember not being excited for this song based on the snippet but this intro alone (and the rest of the song) cemented California in my hall of fame 


    3. The Greatest - Same as Cali just so bittersweet and the guitar sounds delicious The Greatest is my fav song on NFR


    Fav outros:

    1. The Greatest - The first time I heard this outro I felt s*icidal I was not prepared for the despair of this and the solo piano at the end to really give me space to think about all that's gone wrong and continues to go wrong in my life = ) One of the most impactful musical moments for me ever I still boohoo to this song


    2. Off To The Races - Period


    3. Cinnamon Girl - PERIOD

  6. 1 minute ago, Foxglove said:

    whose indoctrination?

    but wow yeah "none of this really matters" - nihilism, another tired take.  wasn't Lana the one who said "i'm literally changing the world"?

    i recognize that the revolution is not gonna happen in Lana's comments on insta, but people deal with real issues in real fuckn life.  it's not just nothing.  we're living in an unprecedented time where people's survival is hanging in the balance bc of real, important issues Lana herself decides to bring up and butcher.  we're discussing issues of race, politics, privilege, poverty, etc. on Lanaboards only because Lana brought the shit up and centered herself in these issues.  if it doesn't matter to you, what do you really even have to say about the matter?

    your indoctrination along with all of the other young hard left internet activists (me years ago). i'm actually pointedly not nihilistic it's just reality that Lana Del Rey's opinion is an abstract thing she could say the N word and people would get upset but ultimately it's inconsequential. she has a celebrity platform not the power to pass laws and launch missiles. isn't it ironically racist to think that poc are so sensitive and vulnerable they need to be defended from opinions? what matters to me is that people stop identifying so much with victimhood because i know how blinding and burdensome it is

  7. 12 minutes ago, Ultra Violet said:


    No it is EXACTLY about what she has said. She equated being a rapper to being black. She equated having non-white friends to not being racist. She's been insensitive to every fan who genuinely has been hurt by these comments. WE KNOW she is not racist, but saying these things is stupid as fuck and she should know better if she had payed ANY attention during the BLM protesting last year. 


    I am upset that she said those things because it actually upsets poc. I've seen comments from black fans saying "please Lana no" "we love you, don't do this" "you're making it so hard to love you" and I stand with them because it would be so hard to see someone you love say such ignorant things that involve you. 


    I don't care if you think I'm doing it be morally superior. Have some fucking standards. 


    if people are actually upset by what this one random celebrity has said they need HELP girl they need therapy. bitches choose to be upset :toofloppy:

  8. 1 hour ago, Foxglove said:

    i think a lot of people understand her just fine but disagree.  If y'all keep on enabling your own ignorance then it's on you :toofunny:

    i personally think it's more ignorant to surrender your brain to indoctrination and allow yourself to  become part of the rat race. girl dont you want to think for yourself and realise that none of this really matters like at all?

  9. 2 hours ago, orpheline said:

    Lol I love the beat I think it's like sweet and still sad in a dysthymic way. The jingle bells ruin it tho smh... It reminds me of a bit of Arthur Lyman's Hawaiian marimba music...


    0% chance of realistically happening but a future David Kahne production and/or Lynchian work... say that.

    Speaking of Lynch idk if this is unpopular but I never really saw the connection and I think Blue Velvet is her weakest cover because not only is it her most straight forward but it seems like she was just pandering to Lynch comparisons and not recording out of genuine admiration. She always seems ambivalent when he comes up. There are several other cinematic parallels I'd be more apt to draw...

    Ok speak on it.... but the live piano version of HTD is a lot more impactful to me and you right the studio version sounds dysthymic personally i feel nothing when i listen to it

    I also think the perception of Lynch influence is kind of incidental like listeners have mostly created that idea and i think AKA is maybe the closest thing but anyways people be saying everything is Lynchian these days

  10. "I had fifteen-year dances

    Church basement romances yeah I've cried

    Spilling my guts with the Bowery Bums is the only love I've ever known

    Except for the stage which I also call home when I'm not

    Serving up God in a burnt coffee pot for the triad

    Hello it's most famous woman you know on the iPad

    Calling from beyond the grave I just wanna say "Hi Dad""


    hits different  :flutter:

  11. 2 hours ago, RormanNockwell said:

    You are comparing the lyrically strongest song on one album to one of the lyrically weakest on the other, and furthermore, a verse to a chorus. Not really a solid argument. 


    Lana said herself on the Grammys red carpet that NFR is a "safe" album and it is, by her standards, as it doesn't deal with any controversial themes like most of her previous work. That doesn't make it a bad album, but there's nothing particularly groundbreaking about it sonically or thematically, imo. 

    The strongest lyrics on UV are probably from The Other Woman that's all I got to say.. . . NFR has objectively less corn lyric-wise but I also don't think it's groundbreaking sonically or thematically like I said my main criticism is Jack's sounds

  12. 56 minutes ago, Doll Harlow said:


    Sad Girl is a bop and has Lynch vibes. End this slander.


    edit: I forgot I was in the unpopular opinons thread :rip: 

    Sad girl was at 1 point my favourite Lana song i still love the sound but the lyrics girl

  13. NFR is lyrically incomparable to the other girls like I kind of find UV unbearable these days actually which is sad because it used to be my favourite "You took my sadness out of context at the mariner's apartment complex" :flutter: VS "I'm a sad girl I'm a sad girl I'm a sad girl I'm on fire baby I'm on fire he's got the fire" :toofloppy: it's embarrassing me and my homegirl


    she still definitely has cringe moments but I agree with the general consensus that NFR is her best work besides Honeymoon ALTHOUFH i also think my main issue with Jack is the way he uses irony like what he did to HTD was obnoxious it could have been the most heart wrenching moment on the album and he just Had to be high brow funny and put a crunchy beat on there to be ironic for the tasteful girls I really hope after chemtrails she works with someone else or David again and goes Lynchian or some thing althoughx2 The greatest still makes want to k*** m****^ Jack has great momence too


    IJS Jack  could never do something as unique and bold as Honeymoon



  14. 18 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:

    I absolutely love the cover when ignoring the ugly cheap looking border. anyone know where to find a version without the border so i can replace it in apple music i'd appreciate it  The washed out vibe of it is giving me Music Box by Mariah in a way.


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