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Posts posted by movebaby

  1. if you're talking clothing and complexion, i get the most compliments in pink! specifically darker shades of it. if you're talking like...metaphorical/representative of me as a person? black probably, sorry i can't help being a little emo bitch 


    do you have any tattoos?

  2. astrology rant below



    its not a reasonable hour for me to be up so this may or may not make any sense lmao but i wanna add a brief 2 cents to the astrology debate. lana’s got other placements in cancer regardless of which sign her sun is in (i know she’s got a cancer mercury, and i wanna say mars? don’t quote me on that one, i’m too tired to look it up right now), so she’s obviously gonna have cancer qualities regardless! (remind me to come back and elaborate on the way you can literally hear her cancer mercury in her voice lol)


    personally i think the first chart we had for her made wayyyy more sense...taurus rising with taurus venus in the first house? could there BE a more quintessentially lana del rey placement?? also the bitch is mercurial as fuck lol, gemini sun makes a lot of sense to me...(and @ did a good job illustrating some of her very gemini qualities!)


    as far as cusps. the concept of being a “cusp sign” (i.e. your sun sign containing traits from both signs if you’re born near the time it shifts) is kind of misinformed...yes, oftentimes people born near a cusp contain traits of both signs, but that is virtually always explainable with other placements (e.g. lana and her cancer mercury); mercury is never more than one sign away from the sun and venus never more than two, for example, so oftentimes they fall into the sign on the other side of the cusp from ones sun. you are either one sun sign or the other (29 degrees gemini or 0 degrees cancer). you can’t be both.


    lemme use myself as an example for a minute...lana and i share a birthday, and i’m a cancer sun. before i really got into and started studying astrology, i referred to myself as a gemini, purely because i thought it fit me better. once i actually found my birth time and got my chart, i realized that i actually am a cancer sun (by 5 hours lol, that much earlier and i’d have been a gemini), but i have several planets in gemini, so of course i’ve got discernible gemini influence!


    anyway i definitely went off on a tangent there and i don’t presume to know for certain which iteration of lana’s chart is the correct one, but i felt like it was important to point out that there are other factors at play here lol



  3. winter - tori amos 


    this is my go to song to play on the piano when i'm bored or tired or stressed, and its also just...really good. i have a lot of associations with tori amos connected to my super early childhood, so a lot of her songs take me back to that kind of innocent worldview, which fits so perfectly with the lyrical content of this song too


    next letter: d

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