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Posts posted by movebaby

  1. Discussing how great HIAB will be and guessing what colour the vinyl will be, of course


    allow me to submit some potential vinyl colors for consideration, by way of nail polish shades:


    Was It All Just A Dream? did this album ever really exist? are we all part of a collective hallucination?




    Baby Please Come Home NFR is baby. home is spotify.




    Mystery...a nice, concise, one-word descriptor of the current weather conditions with regards to the subject of this thread




    Haven't The Foggiest idea where the damn album is




    Here Today, Aragon Tomorrow (an allusion to our collective hope of this album ever seeing the light of day)




    I Just Can't Cope-acabana...a nice bright obnoxious yellow alluding to both the perpetual meltdowns in this thread and the tropical vacation we all so desperately need




    and my personal favorite...


    Don't Take Yosemite For Granite



  2. I was hoping you'd stop complaning about what she does, the album, her looks, her poetry, everything around her, but it's actually getting worse. I have lost the faith


    Btw friendly reminder that she's not a toy and doesn't have to release an album because her fans harass her


    is it really harassment though? i don't think you can harass someone behind their back. we're not talking to her, we're talking to one another. i understand what you're getting at (although i disagree), but i don't see how discussions on a forum are harassment

    btw i still think there are lines that shouldn't be crossed, like that whole thing a few pages back about how "her ears are placed wrong" or some shit, but i don't see an issue with venting about the lack of info 


    (and isn't it better that we do it here than in her instagram comments or twitter mentions? because i can see how that could be argued as harassment, although again i don't necessarily agree)

  3. I just came back from the Fashion Spot forum. I'm not sure if it's allowed in here to post a link from another forum but anyway - they are ripping Lana and Steven into shreds over there. They hate the cover, the styling, etc. 


    One example:


    "Steven Klein should be banned for this. 

    OMG It's so terrible that I can't even describe

    And lana del rey should release a new album Immediately to apologize for that terrible cover" 



    "This is an improvement considering how she looks and dresses in her real life. ninja.gif"


    man they pull no punches lmao

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