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Posts posted by movebaby

  1. Okay I will admit that I'm the biggest Jeff Buckley cultist out there, but I genuinely believe Jeff could do no wrong because he was just a really good guy with good intentions until the day he died. He wasn't rude, he wasn't an asshole, wasn't problematic (at least to my knowledge).


    Whereas with Lana...we know she can be problematic af. That's why I find it funny when people are quick to defend her on so many things all the time.


    spot on as per usual


    honestly jeff buckley cultism is probably some of the most wholesome unproblematic cultism out there

  2. ooh here's something for the vocal minority who piss themselves when they hear criticism: there is one thing miss lana is doing lately that i absolutely love. i think she is handling this particular situation i speak of in an absolutely impeccable way. in fact, i would be hard pressed to criticize anything about her current behavior with regards to this matter. i LOVE, and i cannot stress this enough, the fact that she has seemingly gone silent about that damn poetry book

  3. well... ok

    to be honest

    I do not care about her photos or how she looks

    where is d music?

    oh but she doesn’t MAKE music anymore, she’s a BADDIE now, haven’t you heard?


    her life is her poetry

    her instagram is her legacy

  4. jealous sea - meg myers


    this is the song that first got me into meg myers' music, when i heard it in her tiny desk concert. i don't have a ton of history with it because i only discovered her a few months ago, but i remember sitting alone in the car in a parking lot on a sunny afternoon, really pissed off for some reason that i don't remember, and listening to it on loop which was pretty cathartic for my rage lol


    next letter: y

  5. I get being critical, but you guys are now just being full on assholes. You guys aren’t fans. You’re just a bunch of whiny babies who get tired of music too quickly and can’t handle someone you don’t know ignoring you. You’re bullies and I hope Lana never releases the album because you guys sure as hel don’t deserve it. I hope she posts snippets forever and you guys whine yourselves into an early grave. Stay pressed, us adults have lives to live.


    wow thanks, love you too   :bye3:  :pls:  :sideeye:  :hillary:

  6. i always get so emo in this thread...and this is gonna be no exception lmao


    good enough - sarah mclachlan


    i LOVE this album with my whole heart and soul and this is one of my favorite songs from it! i always envisioned it as the last song of the night in a bar/cafe, with her still singing as the employees clean up the tables and close up shop; it has this drowsy smoky late-night feel i can't get enough of. i love the lyrics and the idea of her singing to someone else about their own love life. it reminds me of driving home late at night when i was maybe 10 or 11, falling halfway asleep in the car and not being totally sure what was a dream and what was reality


    next letter: p

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