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Posts posted by movebaby

  1. I don't know what to tell you. I'm not Elizabeth. It's her album and song title, and that's her explanation for it. It's clear, however, that she didn't choose him due to lyrical convenience as you suggested.


    There is no evidence of any legal action being taken. Zero. As others have told you, it's been discussed and debunked. You have your opinion, and it seems that everyone else who has replied has their (opposing) opinion, so it's time to move on.


    honestly props to you for even bothering with responses...you have the patience of a saint


    Whatever Marina just released... that's not an album, it's a pile of trash...


    YEAH oh my god i haven't even managed to get all the way through it yet...like i wanted to hear the whole thing so i'd have a more informed opinion but i actually cannot sit through it.

  2. oh hello 5 year old thread


    do we really not have a more recent VW thread on here? damn it really has been forever, hasn't it... anyway the new album is ridiculously good, like to the point that i've listened to it back to front at least 5 or 6 times since it's been out bc it is that addictive.

  3. y'all need to realise Lana literally does not give a fuck anymore. Like she doesn't care if she loses fans because she knows that lanky twink and his possy of rats will still be front row of every show she ever does for the rest of her fucking life. She doesn't care about promo or a proper album rollout because she doesn't care if the album succeeds or not. She's been there, done that, got the t shirt and hated the experience. She'll be financially stable for the rest of her life and just has the freedom to do absolutely nothing. It's clear that music isn't her passion anymore and she all she wants to do now is write poetry and suffer a mid life crisis. Maybe it would be better for her to publicly retire instead of half-assing everything she does now- at least then the legacy and artistic image she spent years crafting wouldn't be completely tarnished. 

    honestly you're right but it's just so damn infuriating that this is coming to a head right now, when she's sitting on what's been shaping up to be possibly the best album of her career

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