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Everything posted by evilentity

  1. That's what I hear too.
  2. Have you tried figuring out a way to contact the director, Johan Renck, and asking him?
  3. I doubt he'd accept, but I nominate Monicker.
  4. It's definitely "I'm a fan".
  5. [Later?] let’s do drugs Make love with our teachers Come on, little Tommy With his tattooed ass beat ya I’m a fan of pro-ana nation I do them drugs to stop the f-food cravings If you wanna get high with me, I’m in the back Doing crack, drinking vodka Pepsi ... You’re crashing on Wall Street while I’m blowing up as a singer If you wanna get that scholarship Love's not a problem, let’s solve it ...
  6. You got me pegged. I had already liked it before I saw your post.
  7. She did not lay an egg with this song.
  8. I'm sorry, but I had been under the impression that we were a free and open forum of information and discussion, not a bunch of lackeys for Lana's overzealous management. Thank you for enlightening me. A little transparency about this in the first place would've been appreciated. If you're going to delete stuff arbitrarily at the whim of Lana's people, you should be up front about that.
  9. I'm not trying to be a dick here. I'm just trying to clarify what the rules are. It doesn't help when you don't cite the real reason why something isn't allowed. But I didn't know we answered to Ben now, even when he asks us to remove something he has no legal basis for asking us to remove.
  10. So by that logic we can never cite print articles that don't appear online? And if I include a link to the Le Figaro article I could restore the thread?
  11. Can we post information that merely says that a particular song has leaked on tumblr? Some more questions: Imagine a situation like "A Star for Nick" and "Money Hunny" where the songs had been made available on a podcast. Can we link to that? Or what about a situation like "Dangerous Girl" where a producer put it up on Soundcloud. Can we link to that?
  12. Are you certain that's illegal? But for the sake of argument, let's say it is. Now let's say a music site like Pitchfork writes an article about the leak. Can we link to that? Does it matter whether Pitchfork links to or embeds the leak?
  13. This is really vague to me. Let me ask a series of leading questions. I'll start with this: Let's say a song leaks on tumblr. Can we link to the tumblr that leaked it?
  14. evilentity

    Fake Diamond

    You forgot "Pomme Foraine, yeah" or whatever the fuck "Palmferania" really is.
  15. I have a pet theory but it's pretty fucking dark:
  16. Lolita. Now Monicker's gonna shoot me in the fucking face. I LOVE the demos, but Emile Haynie ruined this one worse than the others. Monicker, you're wrong. You can't quite do anything to this song and have it come out gold.
  17. Why pay the Korova Milkbar when you can get the milk for free?
  18. Meth. Why does everyone always forget the meth?
  19. "...'cause he's freaking genius!"
  20. Behind the Green Door from the 70s would've been the better porno reference here.
  21. I would love this, but I'm not well-versed enough in all things Lynchian to be the one to do it.
  22. Actually, that's the first line of "Lolita". The line here is "Can you be mine?"
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