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West Coast

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  1. West Coast

    Kate Bush

  2. I honestly agree with that. I have been told that my dislike for 'NFR' is almost comical. But it's not that I dislike the album per say, I do find some songs to be good/great, like I appreciate songs separately (same thing with 'Lust for Life'), it's just that her album as a whole don't appeal to me as much anymore. I don't find them to be uniquely Lana, they miss that spark of oomph. Her work used to be characterized by her unique vision and lyricism, but on her past two albums it felt somewhat absent or sometimes almost satirical or that she was a parody of herself? It's definitely a combination of me getting annoyed at some of her lyricism and finding the production to either be atrocious and/or almost completely forgettable. I honestly hope that 'Chemtrails' marks her return to a more interesting soundscape and less "whatever"/random writing perspective.
  3. The way you translated my post in French–alors que t'aurais simplement pu me le demander.
  4. I was in my room getting ready for work, then I received the notification that Lana had just posted the snippet on insta then I quickly logged into LanaBoards to witness the fire. Where were you when you first heard about Lana?
  5. NOW that is an unpopular opinion
  6. Ma'am this is the unpopular opinion thread.
  7. 'NFR' just feels like the least Lana Del Rey-esque of her albums, like it could've been done by almost every indie girlies. Like @Enchanted Mansion said, it feels impersonal. There are good parts in there, some not so good. It feels somewhat watered down at times and there is literally nothing cinematic about the album, which is sad, but it's an artistic choice she had every right to make. But it's just not the boundary pushing, uniquely Lana album I have come to expect at every release. It's cute, light and background music at a coffee shop-ish to me. I so hope 'Chemtrails' doesn't suffer the same sucky fate. That's my unpopular opinion on it. That is all.
  8. Agreed 100%. It's not to say that I hate 'NFR' per say, it's just not my favourite album of hers, there are still song in there I love. I just didn't "love" the album from the getgo and don't really find myself revisiting it often. ??‍♂️ Lyrically 'HIAB' feels mod-podged.
  9. I don't really have an opinion so far, waiting to hear the full thing. ?
  10. Might sound like I'm going to pick and chose, but to me 'NFR' has probably the corniest lyrics on any Lana albums. Like I said in a previous post, I absolutely dislike the opening line of that album "Goddamn man-chil, you fucked me so good that I almost said I love you". Or in 'MAC', the way she sings "Don't look to far, right where you are, that's where I am" idk just the way she sings it doesn't sound melodic at all. In 'Love song' "we go fast, we go fast, we don't move". 'Fuck it I luh you'... enough said. 'HIAB', she's cute, but lyrically it feels like she mashed three songs together and called it a day. 'hiadtfawlmth-bihi', I know some of you look at this song as being some sort of career highlight for Lana, but I absolutely dislike the lyrics "I was reading Slim Aarons and I got to think that I thought". I feel like compared to her other albums' lyrics, 'NFR' feels the most normal and less speculative, more grounded in reality and not in her so called 'cinematic'/Lana universe. Anyway, I guess all of that is up for personal interpretation or appreciation. But I don't see 'NFR' as being more mature than any other of her albums, I see the album as being lyrically palatable, more conventional in terms of songwriting and less shocking than what she has released prior. You can already tell by the snippet we heard last week, that, at least with the title track, Lana is back into a more mysterious/fantasized writing style.
  11. Thank you for your input. 'NFR!' has just never hit any spots for me. I have just a very strong appreciation for Lana's first three records! Each one of them represent something special for me (I guess I'm just stuck with the memories of when they came out and listening to them non-stop) and while I really tried to connect with the album, that connection has just never happened. Sonically, while there are a few songs I really appreciate on this album, the rest of it never striked me as something unique music wise, much less uniquely Lana. But I'm really hopeful for what's to come, even though the first single just kinda felt like something straight out of 'NFR!', with the snippet and the imagery she has been teasing I feel like the album will go down a more interesting road and I'm here for that!
  12. I honestly agree with some of your points here, but to be honest, these are the two points that actually make me dislike the album. This is purely personal, but 'NFR!' is probably the one album in her entire discography that does not feel "quintessential Lana". I feel like a lot of the lyricism, whilst it has been deemed as more mature, kind of comes across as watered down or more palatable for Lana. A lot of the lyrics on the album also feel somewhat corny (I don't think I'll ever get over how cringy the opening line of that album sounds to me). To each their own I guess. I can see why a lot of people really dig this album from a lyrical or thematical point of view, it definitely feels like her most "organic" and peaceful album in that regards, we're far from the harsher/rougher or less "conventional" lyrics we heard on her first two albums. This is probably the point were critics have actually appreciated Lana more on this album, as it was something that had been criticized/hated on on her first two/three records. The production... again, this is up to personal appreciation, but while there are great songs on 'NFR!' like 'Venice Bitch' & 'The greatest'. A lot of the songs on the album kind of lack that feeling or grandeur, intensity and richness in the sound. A lot of the songs on the album have this sort of subdued/flat or dry sound that I just really do not appreciate, it makes some songs have this demo-like quality. The piano composition is quite simplistic in my opinion (and it also sounds really tinny at times). Her first three records just had more bite, oomph and bravado than 'Norman Fucking Rockwell!'. They feel much more classical to my ears. There's something about 'NFR!' that feels extremely corny and cheesy. I guess I really deserve that "biggest Lana hater" Lipster, as I have such a dislike for what is apparently her most appreciated album.
  13. This is album is going to be spookier than expected me thinks
  14. Welcome back Ms. Posting-in-bulk
  15. First time I see an RHOA clip/meme with Nene where she's not the center of attention
  16. Even she she flew private, I think it's no better than the thousands of celebrities that have been traveling/partying this entire time. It's just less than smart imho.
  17. West Coast

    Azealia Banks

    I get that, I never said you did though. I literally said that I think it's pointless to accuse other people of selectively clutching their pearls over whatever Azealia says. This kind of rhetoric is moot imho.
  18. West Coast

    Azealia Banks

    I'm going to be honest and say it: I don't really like this type of discourse. I just want to say that I'm usually a fan of your posts and contributions on LB and I totally get what you mean, but the reason most people brought up what she said about Lana is because of that–it's something she said about Lana. It's a no brainer that Azealia is a hateful person with a history of being proudly vocal with problematic, hateful, degrading and even heinous things about literally everyone. I don't think anyone on here notices every dumb thing Azealia says about every single person/group of people, unless they have the time to go through her daily 1094098 Insta stories. It's pointless to imply "you weren't saying anything when she said this or that" well of course we were not, we don't have an alert on our phone that goes off every time this dumb bitch opens her mouth, doesn't mean we excuse her pathetic/attention-grabbing behaviour on other very specific, and troubling, issues.
  19. West Coast

    Azealia Banks

    Lana's little twitter war with her was kinda juveline tbh, but it did highlight the fact that Azealia is salty AF that Lana is yet another person that couldn't put up with her anymore. ?
  20. West Coast

    Azealia Banks

    Why is she so fucking obsessed with Lana? Get the fuck out Azealia. This why people can't put up with you—fucking obsessed, narcissistic hack. Don't even think about pulling the "but she makes great music card", she's a horrible, vile, deranged person and needs serious help to cope with her problematic, hateful and self-destructive ways.
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