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the bootleg queen

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About the bootleg queen

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  1. I really like how Lana is using an extended metaphor to describe her feelings for L.A by comparing it to a past lover a lover who was probably prosperous, came from money, successful and her lover is a somebody in life which is what L.A at the surface level embodies. This is very reminiscent of the idea of the american dream which is prevalent through a lot of her music e.g the song Hollywood where she dreams of becoming that somebody and becoming prosperous in that way mentally and spiritually yet in this poem she questions who is she to dream when she is only a dreamer and has nothing else which creates a sense of self-deprecation and almost calling herself a burden in which she idolises L.A and thus idolises this lover especially in comparison to San Francisco and N.Y which are most likely her long lost exes. In the later part of the poem she is also reiterating the idea that she is the other woman who belongs to no-one etc. which she has expressed in songs such as Ride and she describes herself as being an other woman to all these places and because of this realises that she can only belong in this lover's hands because 1.A lover in New York or New York itself has treated her so badly leading her to hate it and San Francisco or the lover there probably does not attend to her needs and makes her feel even more lost and more than anything it seems like Lana needs a sense of belonging and commonality which only L.A or that lover can give her. Because she is that way being what she describes an orphan, belonging to no-one she says she must love L.A/him the most and she says to this lover/place that they do not have to offer anything more than what they are and in return she will love him/L.A deeper than the surface level which most people do and love deep and eternally. In this poem she allows us to she her complex relationship between L.A/her lover and lets us visualise it in a highly memorable and tangible way making us visualise her lover, the way she loves and their general relationship as striking and very heartfelt and allowing the readers to thoroughly feel the sense of vulnerability we feel in love.
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