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Everything posted by SouthInGuy

  1. So she was late?? She better not be late for my shows...
  2. At least she finally got rid of the palm trees on the stage.
  3. Switching to the official stream. I can't deal with these IG vids too much longer. She's on now.
  4. All I can hear is the crowd in the IG stream. Is she blonde??
  5. Got my pill case (and whistle) today to add to the party girl collection.
  6. I bought the 2500 dollar one and I'm not mad. That's not the price for the LP. It's the included art print that you were paying for. Happy more people will be able to buy the picture disc version! I'll probably (duh) get one myself to play. I still haven't played the LPs from the original run.
  7. My old lighter from maybe the Endless Summer tour (I forget when I bought it) doesn't have any scratches on it. But I remember one of the tours (for LFL??) they were still selling lighters but there was a sign that they were all scratched/damaged. These new ones can't be old stock though. I bet the design of these just tends to get scratched easily.
  8. I got a vip Sunday ticket. I imagine that pit is going to be super crowded and nasty. I will be happy to see her from my seat.
  9. They aren’t going to make new stampers for the vinyl to remove one song for a cover variant. I’m glad we finally get the boobs tho!
  10. It's about a 10" square box 5 to 6 inches deep. It'll hold a good amount.
  11. i got my t-shirt and hoodie boxsets today. The t-shirt box is just cheap and flimsy. Stupid. But the big hoodie one is kind of nice. It's sturdy like a "boxset" box should be. I'll probably use it to store some of her merch.
  12. I got my Target vinyl/cd and the alternate cassettes from her store today. It's time for my first listen tonight I'm so excited!
  13. I'm not sure how long they've been up but there are finally copies of the standard cassette that's been sold out forever for sale at her US store.
  14. That pill case and the whistle are very random. So obviously I bought 2 of each.
  15. It's definitely thinner than the shirts I'm still wearing from the surf shop. However long ago that was. But it seems nicely made.
  16. My little haul from the Village. I love the t-shirt. It's the only thing I got from the UV collection. And the BTD postcard set was the only thing I got from that stuff. Wish I bought more. And with the BB postcards I think I have all the ones she put out. I have all the NFR and Chemtrails sets. Did she put out postcards before that?? Does anyone know?
  17. Thanks for this! Now I can cancel my stupid expensive order from the Australian store.
  18. I bought a 3 day ticket. Got the time pre approved off of work. Just need to make travel plans. I hope this makes up for the Bonnaroo cancelations. Her and Misty better do something together! My last time in SF was for her 2017 show there. It'll be good to get back.
  19. I don’t want to go to this but I don’t want this to be like the Honeymoon tour that never happened. If I don’t go to this and I miss seeing her this year I’ll die.
  20. I got a shipping notification finally for an LDR Village order I made in November....
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