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  1. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by kik in 3rd Annual Lanaween Costume Contest   
    I'm still not sure about the painting... it will depend on the hair result. Mine is not as long, but the freak that I am has been collecting her own dead hair since 3 years (to make old fashion rats), so I think I could use it to add some volume to the braids. If I can make it a statement, I will skip the makeup. I'm going to a party and I don't want people to think I just changed my hair for the occasion lol.
    I found this picture. It's more realistic and it helps me visualize how it was done:
  2. kik liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana & Gaga : The Jazz Era   
  3. kik liked a post in a topic by Viva in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think Lana always craved (a lot) fame. Thing is that's not ALL she craves, in Lana's case is a little more complex then someone like Kim K or Paris Hilton because she also craves being deserving of such fame.
    The fame Lana craves is not empty or fame for fame, she wants and craves fame with credibility and approval. The approval and credibility comes in the form of recognition of her work and her as a person and artist. The fame she craves needs approval from the public, the industry, critics, needs credibility and substance because that's how she sees her art and that's how she wants to be seen: credible and most of all relevant.  
    She wants to be famous because of her music, others to consider her music/art  as beautiful as she does. That's another one of her addictions, that in my opinion, highly influence her work: Beauty.  She's addicted to beauty as well. If what she considers beauty is for your or my taste, that's another story. But her addiction to beauty is undeniable: her description of landscapes as beautiful, her description of man, her own description, the way she describes America beauty as a culture/country in the past and the contrast with the present. Her words of beauty also need to combine with beautiful visuals, hence why her videos are carefully crafted, even the ones we consider shit like the Iphone video or the Poltergeist video.
    A credible, relevant artist with beautiful videos and beautiful voice and lyrics, that' how she wants to be perceived. Fame for fame is not what she craves, would be a lot easier for her to be satisfied is was just that, since isn't I guess we will see her get annoyed for the rest of her album releases. And no, she wont stop doing music, because like any other addict they don't stop until their crave gets satisfied, so until she finds the credibility she searches for she wont stop
    I think she doesn't regret fame, she does have a butt hurt feeling and attitude towards the industry, mostly and specially the US and their critics.
  4. kik liked a post in a topic by slang in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    One of my favorite interviews talks a little about why she wanted fame early on. Fame seems to be providing her the kinds of things she expected it could, so I would think she'd be happy about that overall. As for the negative aspects, I think she's pretty resilient about them. 
    [she's asking about the AKA EP, which if I believe the chronology came out 2 years before AKA LP]
    Brea: How do you feel about how it came out? 
    Lizzy: I am pleased.  The funny thing is, if it was exactly the way I wanted, then I would say that I am completely pleased, but because it's different than I expected, I'll be pleased if many other people like it too.  I feel like a shithead saying that...but I hope it gets some kind of recognition just so that I can move on and do some different things. 
    Brea: What type of things would you move on to?  
    Lizzy: I always expect that once I do something, I'm going be able to transition into this better life, like maybe move somewhere else or get to know more people.  Ideally, I would like to move back to a little part of New Jersey or Coney Island and have people to work with on little projects like music videos, because I do much better in a box.  Performing is really, really hard for me, so I would just like to have more people and more money to do more sexy projects.
    Brea: Sexy projects! 
    Lizzy: Yes, I just want to have something to do all the time-- and it's easier to do when people think you're great.
  5. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    One other thing... I don't think she knows who she really is and that's why it's hard for us her fan and for other people (I include haters) to understand her. That's why she incites so many feelings and passion. A lot of people say she's not authentic. There's no full integrity, that's bullshit. Often we are not so true to ourselves and we say what people want to hear. Personally I find her pretty authentic, in a sense that she is very transparent about her feelings. They are mixed and she has dualities, but she has the courage to expose it and that makes her a wonderful artist. A whole artist.
    Like when she feels bad during a show, you know it. She might say "I'm so happy to be here", but pay attention to her tone and her face and you'll know the truth. Or she might be "happy to be here", but still annoyed by other things in her life and she's not gonna pretend all smile that everything is perfect. She exposes her weaknesses, her vulnerability in her lyrics, in her voice, in her interviews. She might seem fucked up for some people, but to me she's simply an authentic confused and scared little girl, but very strong woman at the same time. I love her with all my heart.
  6. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation.
    I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip.
    Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they?
    Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
  7. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    One other thing... I don't think she knows who she really is and that's why it's hard for us her fan and for other people (I include haters) to understand her. That's why she incites so many feelings and passion. A lot of people say she's not authentic. There's no full integrity, that's bullshit. Often we are not so true to ourselves and we say what people want to hear. Personally I find her pretty authentic, in a sense that she is very transparent about her feelings. They are mixed and she has dualities, but she has the courage to expose it and that makes her a wonderful artist. A whole artist.
    Like when she feels bad during a show, you know it. She might say "I'm so happy to be here", but pay attention to her tone and her face and you'll know the truth. Or she might be "happy to be here", but still annoyed by other things in her life and she's not gonna pretend all smile that everything is perfect. She exposes her weaknesses, her vulnerability in her lyrics, in her voice, in her interviews. She might seem fucked up for some people, but to me she's simply an authentic confused and scared little girl, but very strong woman at the same time. I love her with all my heart.
  8. BLOODSHOT liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation.
    I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip.
    Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they?
    Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
  9. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    One other thing... I don't think she knows who she really is and that's why it's hard for us her fan and for other people (I include haters) to understand her. That's why she incites so many feelings and passion. A lot of people say she's not authentic. There's no full integrity, that's bullshit. Often we are not so true to ourselves and we say what people want to hear. Personally I find her pretty authentic, in a sense that she is very transparent about her feelings. They are mixed and she has dualities, but she has the courage to expose it and that makes her a wonderful artist. A whole artist.
    Like when she feels bad during a show, you know it. She might say "I'm so happy to be here", but pay attention to her tone and her face and you'll know the truth. Or she might be "happy to be here", but still annoyed by other things in her life and she's not gonna pretend all smile that everything is perfect. She exposes her weaknesses, her vulnerability in her lyrics, in her voice, in her interviews. She might seem fucked up for some people, but to me she's simply an authentic confused and scared little girl, but very strong woman at the same time. I love her with all my heart.
  10. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation.
    I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip.
    Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they?
    Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
  11. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation.
    I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip.
    Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they?
    Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
  12. AnneAmanda liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    One other thing... I don't think she knows who she really is and that's why it's hard for us her fan and for other people (I include haters) to understand her. That's why she incites so many feelings and passion. A lot of people say she's not authentic. There's no full integrity, that's bullshit. Often we are not so true to ourselves and we say what people want to hear. Personally I find her pretty authentic, in a sense that she is very transparent about her feelings. They are mixed and she has dualities, but she has the courage to expose it and that makes her a wonderful artist. A whole artist.
    Like when she feels bad during a show, you know it. She might say "I'm so happy to be here", but pay attention to her tone and her face and you'll know the truth. Or she might be "happy to be here", but still annoyed by other things in her life and she's not gonna pretend all smile that everything is perfect. She exposes her weaknesses, her vulnerability in her lyrics, in her voice, in her interviews. She might seem fucked up for some people, but to me she's simply an authentic confused and scared little girl, but very strong woman at the same time. I love her with all my heart.
  13. GodBlessMe liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation.
    I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip.
    Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they?
    Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
  14. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    One other thing... I don't think she knows who she really is and that's why it's hard for us her fan and for other people (I include haters) to understand her. That's why she incites so many feelings and passion. A lot of people say she's not authentic. There's no full integrity, that's bullshit. Often we are not so true to ourselves and we say what people want to hear. Personally I find her pretty authentic, in a sense that she is very transparent about her feelings. They are mixed and she has dualities, but she has the courage to expose it and that makes her a wonderful artist. A whole artist.
    Like when she feels bad during a show, you know it. She might say "I'm so happy to be here", but pay attention to her tone and her face and you'll know the truth. Or she might be "happy to be here", but still annoyed by other things in her life and she's not gonna pretend all smile that everything is perfect. She exposes her weaknesses, her vulnerability in her lyrics, in her voice, in her interviews. She might seem fucked up for some people, but to me she's simply an authentic confused and scared little girl, but very strong woman at the same time. I love her with all my heart.
  15. kik liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I agree with this so much. I feel like that if I've been having a generally shitty day at work, but somebody I like comes up and asks how I'm going. The truth is, I'm not going great, but the fact that I'm talking with someone cool has brightened me up, so I'm not lying when I say 'good'. That's how she feels to me in some of the live videos - where she's feeling a bunch of different emotions at once. You're not expected to do that, though, as a celebrity - you're meant to be either party girl, or sassy, or downbeat, or thoughtful, but not more than one of those at once. 
    There are lots of artists in the past who have had major success, and then pulled back completely from fame and made the transition. I think that's what Lana wants to do, and that's her strategy with UV sounding how it does and being presented as it is. There's also an element of 'will you love me if I do this? How about this?' She wants to push the public as far as she can to see how much control she can have over her own creative world, so we might be in for a bumpy ride, but in ten years, I think she'll be doing what she wants to do, at her own pace, and for people who care about her.
  16. omgitsnathan liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation.
    I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip.
    Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they?
    Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
  17. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    One other thing... I don't think she knows who she really is and that's why it's hard for us her fan and for other people (I include haters) to understand her. That's why she incites so many feelings and passion. A lot of people say she's not authentic. There's no full integrity, that's bullshit. Often we are not so true to ourselves and we say what people want to hear. Personally I find her pretty authentic, in a sense that she is very transparent about her feelings. They are mixed and she has dualities, but she has the courage to expose it and that makes her a wonderful artist. A whole artist.
    Like when she feels bad during a show, you know it. She might say "I'm so happy to be here", but pay attention to her tone and her face and you'll know the truth. Or she might be "happy to be here", but still annoyed by other things in her life and she's not gonna pretend all smile that everything is perfect. She exposes her weaknesses, her vulnerability in her lyrics, in her voice, in her interviews. She might seem fucked up for some people, but to me she's simply an authentic confused and scared little girl, but very strong woman at the same time. I love her with all my heart.
  18. fessle liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    One other thing... I don't think she knows who she really is and that's why it's hard for us her fan and for other people (I include haters) to understand her. That's why she incites so many feelings and passion. A lot of people say she's not authentic. There's no full integrity, that's bullshit. Often we are not so true to ourselves and we say what people want to hear. Personally I find her pretty authentic, in a sense that she is very transparent about her feelings. They are mixed and she has dualities, but she has the courage to expose it and that makes her a wonderful artist. A whole artist.
    Like when she feels bad during a show, you know it. She might say "I'm so happy to be here", but pay attention to her tone and her face and you'll know the truth. Or she might be "happy to be here", but still annoyed by other things in her life and she's not gonna pretend all smile that everything is perfect. She exposes her weaknesses, her vulnerability in her lyrics, in her voice, in her interviews. She might seem fucked up for some people, but to me she's simply an authentic confused and scared little girl, but very strong woman at the same time. I love her with all my heart.
  19. whitman liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation.
    I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip.
    Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they?
    Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
  20. GangstaBoy liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    One other thing... I don't think she knows who she really is and that's why it's hard for us her fan and for other people (I include haters) to understand her. That's why she incites so many feelings and passion. A lot of people say she's not authentic. There's no full integrity, that's bullshit. Often we are not so true to ourselves and we say what people want to hear. Personally I find her pretty authentic, in a sense that she is very transparent about her feelings. They are mixed and she has dualities, but she has the courage to expose it and that makes her a wonderful artist. A whole artist.
    Like when she feels bad during a show, you know it. She might say "I'm so happy to be here", but pay attention to her tone and her face and you'll know the truth. Or she might be "happy to be here", but still annoyed by other things in her life and she's not gonna pretend all smile that everything is perfect. She exposes her weaknesses, her vulnerability in her lyrics, in her voice, in her interviews. She might seem fucked up for some people, but to me she's simply an authentic confused and scared little girl, but very strong woman at the same time. I love her with all my heart.
  21. fessle liked a post in a topic by kik in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think she likes studio recording the best because she can put all the puzzle pieces together and finalize her creation. I noticed introverted musicians prefer studio work and extroverted ones crave to be on stage. I think she feels good when she's surrounded by people who understand the person that she is and "ordinary people" don't comprehend her multidimensional, unusual and unpredictable personality. I also think she appreciates being in control and in her comfort zone. She's emotionally-driven and easy to destabilize. Expressing emotions (singing) in front of thousands of people must be hard sometimes, specially when she is not in the mood or if something wrong is happening in her life. Sometimes, it seems she can't put her problems/worries aside for that 75 minute performance and it looks like she can't connect with her emotions, she seems distracted and not 100% there. If she has stomach ulcer, it must be extremely uncomfortable to sing. I have severe heartburn and I wouldn't say it's soooo painful, but I can't pretend I'm alright when it happens. I figure an ulcer must be worse. Stress aggravates the situation.
    I don't think she regrets being famous now, but she might have been disappointed with what celebrity really is. She's still on a quest for happiness and realizing she's on top and yet not fulfilled as a person must have been quite a disappointment. It comes with many negative aspects (no privacy, harsh critics etc). The price to pay for success is sometimes very high. And touring can be draining. Artists are often disorganized by nature (day-by-day living) and having that kind of planning might be too demanding for her. Being on tight schedule, flights, trains, roads, packing, unpacking, get her hair and makeup done, sound check blah blah blah every day and probably more tasks we don't know about. It's not like a fun unplanned road trip.
    Being away from home in that context could make her lose her points of reference. She said she feels lonely when she tours. At the beginning I though it was a bit strange (not negatively) that her father followed her in her tour, but now I understand why. I wouldn't have though one can feel lonely while touring. She gets tons of applause, she's not alone, but those people, who are they?
    Funny how I repeat myself over and over, but I so much like analyzing her.
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