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  1. Pink Champagne liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can’t believe we have gotten to the point of consulting a YouTube psychic.
    I ain’t opposed tho....
  2. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Was called a fag and a bitch today. I mean they're right but idk what I did? Lana release HiaB this fag needs it
  3. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Discovering the tracklist would feel like breaking out of my reality where NFR will never see the light of day and ending up in an alternate reality where she’s super excited to promote it and it actually, ya know, comes out. Haruki Murakami 1Q84 teas. Lana done wrapped NFR up in an air chrysalis and it ain’t ever coming out.
  4. Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Discovering the tracklist would feel like breaking out of my reality where NFR will never see the light of day and ending up in an alternate reality where she’s super excited to promote it and it actually, ya know, comes out. Haruki Murakami 1Q84 teas. Lana done wrapped NFR up in an air chrysalis and it ain’t ever coming out.
  5. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Discovering the tracklist would feel like breaking out of my reality where NFR will never see the light of day and ending up in an alternate reality where she’s super excited to promote it and it actually, ya know, comes out. Haruki Murakami 1Q84 teas. Lana done wrapped NFR up in an air chrysalis and it ain’t ever coming out.
  6. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by poetic jess in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    You really wrote all this...... after you get a thorough answer that acknowledges all these points and explains perfectly why we’re frustrated a page or two back? I can’t even.
  7. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I came back to bathe in this collective disappointment and complaining, and I never thought I would say this because I’ve always been against leaking material from upcoming albums but, like, it’s JUNE. And she hasn’t told us anything, the managers won’t tell us much either, it’s lowkey insane that we’ve had to look up answers ourselves (for example, by contacting Abigail Rockwell, making phone calls). I might snap next time she updates Twitter or Instagram, I usually never comment because I don’t see the point in it when she’ll probably never read my comment among 1000 others.
    Now I’m gonna go retweet Nockwell’s tweet with SlowGinFizzzz’s post. I’m shit tired of her ignoring us, she better say something in Dublin about the album, even if it’s just a tiny comment like in New Orleans.
  8. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    It's okay, I'm an activist now, I'm willing to make sacrifices. 
  9. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Rant incoming: I've been a hardcore stan since 2012, loved the vast majority of her output, defended her when she said questionable things about feminism and whatnot, and continuously supported her throughout these years. However, at this point I'm just really disappointed in her, and it has nothing to do with the quality of her music declining.
    As an artist, she relies on her fans buying/streaming her music and spending their money on concert tickets and merchandise, otherwise she wouldn't be able to afford multiple houses and maintain the kind of expensive lifestyle she seems to enjoy. She announced that she would be releasing an album "at the top of the year" – well it's June now and there's no album, not even a release date, and we also never got any sort of explanation or update aside from an ambiguous statement on her personal Twitter account and some bitchy comments from one of her managers, leaving us all completely in the dark. And to make matters even worse, she actually managed to affiliate herself with an openly anti-LGBTQ, misogynistic megachurch despite being aware of her huge queer following. Isn't that a punch in the face?
    Yes, delayed releases are somewhat common in the music industry. Yes, other artists make fauxpas too, surround themselves with the wrong people and say stupid shit every now and then. But for me at least, this ongoing ignorance, lack of communication, and overall just disrespectful behaviour towards the fans is quite unheard of, and I can't think of any other artists treating the people who made them big this way. It's true, of course, technically Lana doesn't owe us anything. But likewise, we don't owe her anything either. I've loved her music for years, and I still do and want to continue supporting her, but I honestly don't know how much longer I can keep doing that. 
    Stream Gimme by Banks and pray to Yosemite.
  10. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by melpomene in Charli XCX   
    N1a sounds like wishy washy leftovers from Charli’s demo folder
    Pop2 is the superior cohesive album
  11. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by Lust in Charli XCX   
  12. Lanalouis1 liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Someone on reddit tossed out the idea that maybe the album will be released in tandem with the new Apple Music rollout considering she sang at Apple events and “rubbed shoulders with Tim Cook”. It’s a reach but this era is already absurd so it’s worth mentioning here I guess?
  13. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Someone on reddit tossed out the idea that maybe the album will be released in tandem with the new Apple Music rollout considering she sang at Apple events and “rubbed shoulders with Tim Cook”. It’s a reach but this era is already absurd so it’s worth mentioning here I guess?
  14. paradisetropico liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Someone on reddit tossed out the idea that maybe the album will be released in tandem with the new Apple Music rollout considering she sang at Apple events and “rubbed shoulders with Tim Cook”. It’s a reach but this era is already absurd so it’s worth mentioning here I guess?
  15. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Someone on reddit tossed out the idea that maybe the album will be released in tandem with the new Apple Music rollout considering she sang at Apple events and “rubbed shoulders with Tim Cook”. It’s a reach but this era is already absurd so it’s worth mentioning here I guess?
  16. 13bitches liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Someone on reddit tossed out the idea that maybe the album will be released in tandem with the new Apple Music rollout considering she sang at Apple events and “rubbed shoulders with Tim Cook”. It’s a reach but this era is already absurd so it’s worth mentioning here I guess?
  17. ParadiseFreak liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Someone on reddit tossed out the idea that maybe the album will be released in tandem with the new Apple Music rollout considering she sang at Apple events and “rubbed shoulders with Tim Cook”. It’s a reach but this era is already absurd so it’s worth mentioning here I guess?
  18. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    This thread goes from despair to sudden hope to a discussion of aesthetics to a discussion of the ethics of discussing aesthetics to despair and acceptance and loops in the space of like 3 hours
  19. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Release this dawn book and move on to the album betch
  20. sodaserialkiller liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    He could be talking both Lana and dua
  21. Lanalouis1 liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is the last time I try to follow an album release so closely. This ain’t fun. I’ll say it again and again: give me Norman Fucking Rockwell. Give me cinnamon, hiab, in your car, htd. I don’t want something else. I want the introspective sad girl shit I was told was coming so many months ago. I need it. I crave it. I’m goin’ through some shit and it would undoubtedly help me through MY introspective sad girl moment.
    All y’all putting the notion that NFR might not come or might be reworked making me need to smudge some sage and get rid of this negative juju.
  22. WilshireBoulevard liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I hate that this is true. Lana burned her fandom just like.. well... we know what had happened. 
  23. WilshireBoulevard liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    This is the last time I try to follow an album release so closely. This ain’t fun. I’ll say it again and again: give me Norman Fucking Rockwell. Give me cinnamon, hiab, in your car, htd. I don’t want something else. I want the introspective sad girl shit I was told was coming so many months ago. I need it. I crave it. I’m goin’ through some shit and it would undoubtedly help me through MY introspective sad girl moment.
    All y’all putting the notion that NFR might not come or might be reworked making me need to smudge some sage and get rid of this negative juju.
  24. WilshireBoulevard liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    The third is the best I’m obsessed
  25. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by LanaBoi in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Even if the album isn't mentioned this is good news. 
    The Album and Poetry are linked. There are photos from when she was recording where she's carrying that typewriter around. Theres even a video somewhere where she's listening to one of the NFR songs, and you can hear her typing. I think she wrote a lot of the poetry while listening/Writing/Recording NFR. 
    Possibly she's written the poetry book as a prequel/accompaniment to the album. 
    I was getting a little worried lately that the poetry book was going to disappear as she hadn't mentioned it for a while, but I'm glad it hasn't. Once the poetry is released then I think the album will come. 
    Maybe she's putting more promo/mentions of the poetry in as she knows her music will sell but is unsure on the poetry. 
     I also go back to the press release in January that said the album is for a mid year release. Possibly the plans changed between last year when LDR was releasing the singles and annoying 'top end of 2019', maybe she/the team realised that the poetry would take a lot longer or something. 
    Amen to that! 
    I don't see the need to criticise her appearance whatsoever. 
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