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About MaraDreea

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  • Birthday 10/14/1994

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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sma_u6lxG9M
  2. I think this article is more about the people that "follow" her and why they choose to do so, which ultimately reflects in the way we think these days and how society is overall.
  3. MaraDreea

    Katy Perry

    Her Mtv Unplugged videos are still, to this day, the highlight of her career (imo)
  4. you're speaking to an eastern europeaner (i know it's not a word lel) and it is true people don't care that much, but since I spend an unhealthy amount of time on the internet I can't not notice shit like that. like yeah, it may not affect my life right now, but what if one day I look around and everybody starts acting like that..you know what I mean? lol no thank you.
  5. some of it does come from there, but I swear to god everywhere i look, fucking comment sections on youtbe, twitter, facebook, anywhere the first thing that comes up has to be something along those lines. that, or something so stupid that I wanna stab myself in the eyes.
  6. I always wonder how we (people these days) can manage to be such oversensitive individuals and yet still be desensitized to the real things that are wrong with this world. Lana talking about feminism or Kurt Cobain is a fucking headline, but idk, murder isn't. should i really bring up Miley again?
  7. glamorizing and cultural appropriation = the words of our generation
  8. i don't think Lana will be gracing any pages of The Guardian for many years to come lol like imagine the daughter of your fucking idol to think something like that about you ..smh
  9. that's exactly what he would say I was joking
  10. sometimes I really think you're Barrie
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