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Posts posted by Andreu

  1. Honeymoon album is overrated

    true, her worst one perioddddTTTT

    White Mustang is a great track: poppier than most her stuff, short and sweet. I really like the metaphor of the lyrics which I don't think is about anyone's dick as a lot of people say. It's about feeling that you're worth than your partner and practically allowing you to treat you wrong for that reason.

  2. But...she is?

    You just have to look at her pre-1989 material.

    She stopped being a lyricist after that eraI 

    I know but we're talking about the new song. Red is a masterpiece of an album  :hooker:

  3. I think it's because both Zara herself and her Swedish label TEN wanted to push DWBM, but her American/international label Epic wasn't behind it (they always find a way to mess things up) and wanted to promote Wow instead, which is why DWBM was basically demoted to a promo single and Wow was released as the proper second single now.

    on the one hand it makes sense but on the other hand is very messy

  4. New song called Wow (produced by Marshmello) is out and it's a bop! Personally, I prefer it over the other two singles.



    Came here to post the song but glad to see someone already did  :party:  :party:


    I Agree that's better than both RML and DWBM, and I don't understand why is she releasing a new song so close with DWBM (the video dropped today as well) but I'll gladly take this song. :diva:  :diva:

  5. I mean ... "spelling is fun". Really? Really, Taylor? I know that she's about catchy tunes rather than lyrical depth, but Jesus Christ.


    And not that I've ever paid close attention to either of them, but I really feel like that aesthetic is very similar to Katy's Teenage Dream with all the unicorns and rainbows 'n' shit. That and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

    but her fans act like she's a songwriting goddess regardless  :hooker:

  6. Like no offense but I am STANNING I'll start learning spanish to understand the song


    PIENSO EN TU MIRA is a def fave

    My favourite as well!!!


    She did it in Chile as well

     OK I'l exposing myself but I completely forgot this song existed even tho I watched the whole performance in chile

  7. Do you guys think she'll do anything new for Coachella when compared to what she did in Argentina and Chile? I personally don't think so but I'd love to be wrong

  8. Reported. Thank you.


    I'm officially unstanning until we get news. If u want to find me I'm in the Radiohead thread

     I wouldnt go as far as to unstan but sure the easiest way of not being annoyed because of the lack of info is not thinking about it that much.

    The last psychic I believe said we're getting closure at the end of April, and basically album coming in June

     Too good to be true haha

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