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Super Movie

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Posts posted by Super Movie

  1. "Jack bad" "jack good" okay moving on because nobody cares anymore!


    We're getting the album in 36 days. Sweet has started to climb the ranks in my most anticipated tracks because of its placement between the two songs we have as of right now. I've also been thinking a lot about The Grants since we got A&W. I really feel so strongly about this album being a thematic journey that we get to go on with Lana and I'm so excited for it. 

  2. A&W isn't close to Born To Die sonically. I mean that in the literal sense of "they don't sound alike" lol. I don't get why so many people see that song as BTD Lana when, if it's anything, it's Lust for Life mixed with 2009-2010 Lana. I generally don't get the obsession with comparing everything Lana makes to her past records to try and grasp a set sound when that's simply not the type of artist Lana is

  3. Women using the word "raped" in songs is so powerful to me. I feel like it's something that a lot of listeners, particularly male listeners, may find jarring. But personally, I find it refreshing to hear an artist like Lana do it if that is the case. I think the mentioned subtleness of it is quite interesting, so it really could be maimed as well and I think the meaning of the lyrics would hold the same weight. Especially in the verse the word is used in. It reminds me a lot of Hole's "Asking For It" 

  4. My first thought at the "watching teenage diary of a girl" line was this movie honestly 



    I also think the line could be more introspective with it being about Lana looking through her own teenage diaries, hence the "wondering what went wrong" line. This whole song is just so lyrically interesting. It feels very loaded despite the seeming simplicity

  5. Can she stop releasing things while I’m in class :rollin: But anyways, this song is so stunning. A great single choice honestly just because I want to see a video for it. I’ll be genuinely shocked if this song isn’t in my top 3 of the album 

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