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Posts posted by SwayTokyo

  1. Everyone in this thread should be banned. If you don't love every Lana song you're a fake fan. Everything she does is perfect. She could record herself queefing and it'd still be better than your fav's discography.


    I thought this was graham

  2. Summertime Sadness. I really disliked it when I first heard it on the album and I didn't get into it until she released the music video I believe.


    I also first really liked Born to Die and then quickly fell out of love with it and decided I didn't like it? I think this was the summer of 2012 when the God Bless America mixtape came out and everything on that was just so incredibly different from Born to Die (the song). High pitched signing, fast beats, a twangy sound that was not dark per say. I didn't get back into it until last year, and now it's one of my favorites. So literally 4 years of completely ignoring that song and now it's one of my favorites. Crazy.

  3. I was listening to Raise Me Up and I realized that Lana's repeated pining of "Rai Rai Raise Me up" combined with her low growl that faintly says "I don't have to talk" at the very beginning sounds very much like something we'd here in a Lana song today.


    Of course Lana has been relatively consistent with her themes so I realize that much will sound similar, but this one brief part sounded to me much more like the Lana of 2015 and 2016 than the Lizzy Grant of 2008.


    I was wondering if there are there any other pre-Lana moments that sound straight out of here recent works that people have found?

  4. BTD >>>> UV ≥ LFL >>>>>>>>>>>>> Honeymoon

    Not only was Born To Die a more complete and appropriate lead in for the Lana Del Rey that BTD (the album) would introduce, but still to this day it encompasses and highlights all of her standards and tropes.


    While I agree Ultraviolence may be the better song sonically and production-wise, if you want to introduce someone to the world that Lana has created throughout the five years since the release of that record and her subsequent albums, Born To Die is the song to that most effectively does that. Not Ultraviolence, not Video Games, and not Honeymoon.


    In other words, if Lana's life was an album, BTD would be the title track. 

  5. pop music is whatever the collective conscious considers to be on trend that then informs a general standard in music. That's why it pop is for the most-part formulaic, because it is a baseline that other genres of music can easily be compared and contrasted to. 

    Lana is not pop by 1990's standard where bubblegum pop was ruling the scene (and which is what most of us grew up with and therefore consider "pop"), and her music has 2000's hip-hop infused pop influences, but she is firmly in the 2010's idea of "pop music", which she has had an influential hand in shaping.

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