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strange weather

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Posts posted by strange weather

  1. anyway. "lust for life" is a grower! my favorite track so far.


    who else is vibing with the direction lana is heading in? idk how old y'all are, but i'm in my late 20s & i totally get what lana is saying about feeling like she grew up all of the sudden over the past few years. i love that she is taking a risk again--this time for speaking her mind, politically. not everyone is going to like that, but she doesn't need to cater to those people. the only way to avoid being criticized is to have no opinion, & i'd rather lana have one.


    i know i'm sounding like graham4anything (respect  :hooker:) but everything about this era feels legendary to me. already i feel like we've gotten so much more than we did w/honeymoon. 

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