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About Mariann

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  1. Tried and convicted by her own fans. I think I understand why she feels the need to be so defensive and secretive.
  2. Joining the minority who love this video and the song.
  3. Aren't cats cute on their own? This new video looks amazing. Sorry to hear that it's not for Cola.
  4. No premium membership, please. That could only add to some people's feelings that they are not as important as others here. VIP-exclusive packages on other forums always make me feel like I'm only a second-rate member who hasn't done enough to be fully accepted into the community. This topic made me sad because I have never thought of LanaBoards as an unwelcoming place. I agree that it's a forum with a lot of internal jokes and sassy remarkes that take some time to get used to but it's not generally hostile towards new members.
  5. Who said that she had been doing drugs? Having strange late-night food cravings?
  6. Mariann

    Princess Diana

    Diana would have been a beautiful queen. Now she is for me rather a reminder that real-life fairy tales don't always have a happy ending. It was a shock when she died so tragically after finding her true happiness at last... I am not against monarchy. Maybe because we have never had it here and it just seems somehow special.
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