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Nick Del Rey

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Everything posted by Nick Del Rey

  1. Is subscribing to Harper’s for $10 really the best way to get this? Are we sure the Dec issue will be included? I see they sell single issues on Amazon, anyone waiting for that?
  2. A friend of mine there said she mentioned American Standards. Anyone else hear anything?
  3. Not sure if this has been pointed out, but the font on the album cover is the same as the chapter titles in Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
  4. So if you really want a hoodie would you suck it up and get that boxset? Or hold out hope for future drops of solo apparel/ variations? I still think theres a lot more merch to come. They're dropping it like this so that we buy merch -- and then better merch comes along and we buy that too! And it's working!!
  5. I'm so conflicted about this hoodie "boxset." I feel like there has to be more to the boxset. I desperately want a hoodie but I feel like there may be more in the future, and I really want the t*tty boxset if that comes. This merch roll out is criminal!
  6. I wonder if the SYML instrumental is altered/ embellished at all or if she just sings over the same track
  7. This song is so much more than a piano ballad. It’s dynamic and climatic, there’s so many details like the strings and the choir. The song starting with that exhale set the tone, it’s just perfect. I think it’ll grow on anyone that doesn’t like it right now!
  8. This song feels monumental, it’s going to go down as a classic. Also, I’m getting Lynchian vibes from the song — “It's because she's in a world, preserved, only a few have found the door. It's like Camarillo, only silver mirrors running down the corridor” — I visualize an alternate Red Room from Twin Peaks with silver mirrors instead. I’m just so thrilled, she totally blew me away. The album visuals remind me of Lynch too, and Warhol but maybe I’m going too far. IDC!
  9. I hope her cover art is as good as Caroline’s
  10. Actually they were probably called by Sean just like how Francesco used to do lol.
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