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Nick Del Rey

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Posts posted by Nick Del Rey

  1. Favorite is just a lead single right? I expected something “bigger” from their official debut.

    Any word of a follow up comeback with another song from their debut album?


    it isn't, in their live stream Yves said "please anticipate our debut and our full album!”

  2. i'm honestly just happy she's pulling another move like she did with Dan Auerbach and producing with someone who has their own title as an artist. someone who understands that as an artist you have a clear vision of what you want and someone that can mold something WITH you instead of FOR you. kind of felt like Rick Nowels was getting repetitive and that lana needed to switch it up a bit to exceed a new sound in her career. lets all be real, who helped create UV with lana the most? DAN. and who's going to help create one of the best lana albums of all time? JACK.


    what im saying !!!! im excited she cant keep doing the same thing over and over again 

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