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Posts posted by gasstationkween

  1. 12 minutes ago, Valium Baby said:

    Did I say that? No. I'm talking about the way she does things and how she executes them. She hangs out with older people and she's taking on their personality.

    Who’s older than her lmao...Chuck Charlie clay younger than her most of her friends are around her age. Nikki for example is two years older than her. It would be strange for her to be hanging with people in their early 20s.

  2. 1 hour ago, Valium Baby said:

     Lana needs new scenery. As much as I love her, country isn't her vibe. Maybe it was when she was Lizzy. But she was more playful and new on the scene back then. Now she's acting like an old woman. She's only in her 30s. 

     I just want a Honeymoon type rock album.

    Acting like an old woman ok....so dumb....if even she’s a lil immature for her age 

  3. 1 hour ago, Aphrodite said:

    It kind of breaks my heart, lately, to see her in this very country vibe. I mean: I trust her, I love Breaking up slowly, I love every album of hers, but it breaks my heart because I think about Honeymoon and still Lust for Life, and now, to see her going so country..don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Nikki and I repeat, I trust Lana and I  have faith in her with all my heart! She knows how to compose, how to make great music everytime, she never disappoints me, but I just want her to find herself. I'm not saying that she shouldn't frequent these people, because we don't know them! Maybe they're the most genuine and honest friends she has find, maybe not. 

    But again, we know nothing. 

    I want the best for her. Personally, in my opinion, all this is just a phase. 

    Maybe after this country album ( if it's coming) she will change again, because we have to remember that she changes continuously, every album is different, every era is a different story. She'll always be meeting new people, new friends, new producers. 

    I don't know if I expressed my thoughts well, I hope I did because I love her with all my heart. <3

    I want it to be clear: I'm not against Nikki, or whoever. But I almost cry if I think about the older albums.. I'm not saying that she should go back to that, because maybe she'll never. Again, she keeps changing. 

    This is so cringe sorry 

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