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  1. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by lmdr in Project "Lana Del Ray A.K.A Lizzy Grant"   
    @@Trash Magic and me are working on a concept of this. Hope you may see it soon.
  2. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    Yes, actually it does. 

    None of these statements follow logically. It doesn't follow that because something is wrong it should not be depicted in art. That's absurd on its face. It also doesn't follow that someone's intention in doing something (or even their responsibility for doing something) can be ascertained by another's reaction to it. That's taking the whole "perception is reality" thing to absurd lengths. 
    As others sarcastically suggested:

    There's plenty of things in what little footage we've seen that suggest it might be problematic, but we just can't know for sure without more context. We don't have enough information yet.
  3. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Favourite Lana Live Performances   
    If we're talking about Lana era only, I agree with a lot of yours. Here are some that were important for me.
    1) The iTunes festival 

    I'm sure everyone here has seen this, but this was the first proper live performance of hers that I ever saw. I had not seen the Ride film clip, so I didn't understand her clothes at all - it seemed to me that she'd grabbed some clothes from two decades ago on the way out of the house and put them on just before getting on stage. I also had in mind that comment a certain person made about her SNL appearance - that she looked like a teenage singer in her bedroom. I got that feeling from this performance as well, but not in a bad way - it looked as though she was out of place and unsure of herself, but that she had these amazing songs that she was singing completely un-selfconsciously, which is such a rare thing. It genuinely got me excited about following her.
    2) Ride on Langs de Leeuw
    Not only is this one of her best vocal performances, and a beautiful song (of course), but the look on Sharon Den Adel's face is priceless, not to mention that the crowd seems stunned into silence. If someone asked me to show them a video of LDR that proved she could sing with the best of them, this is the one I'd bring up.
    3) Ultraviolence at Vancouver

    Not only was this the first time any of us had heard the song, it felt like a special moment from afar. We got some snippets, then a bad recording, then this quite good recording. Some of the lyrics are a little different, too, and I generally prefer them here to the album.
    4) Off To The Races first performance

    A strange one. She seems very excited here ... but it's a rarely performed song, and recorded before the madness truly began. 
    5) National Anthem LA Night 3, 2012

    The strangest of them all. Instead of going into the crowd and taking selfies (which blew my mind the first time I saw her doing it on the iTunes show), she leans forward and kisses a few fans in the front rows. Both disturbing and amazing, it's a side of Lana that we see again and again in her dealings with fans, but here it's taken to the next level. It feels transgressive to be observing it, and it's very hard to figure out what she's thinking. I find this video as compelling as the film clip, and, come to think of it, it's a nice companion to the monologue at the end of the clip.
  4. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in I Can Fly   
    Oh no, don't get me wrong, it's so fucking clunky, I also felt it was "soaring higher from the fire," but I do hear an "n" somewhere before the "from."
    I am so goddamn unsure, this is why I endorse lyric videos. Someone should spam Lana with "WHAT IS IT" tweets.
  5. CherryGalore liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in I Can Fly   
    But 'soaring high and from the fire' is a terrible, clunky phrase in English (about on the level of 'ah he's in the sky with diamonds', which she also doesn't sing.)
    ETA: Referring to both a Phoenix and an Iron is a pretty cool mixed metaphor, describing two different types of thing that come out of a fire, suggesting different aspects of her personality.
  6. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Project "Lana Del Ray A.K.A Lizzy Grant"   
    Okay, that back cover that Sitar posted is heavenly. Imagine a digipak with that back cover, hibiscus flowers on the disc, a lyric booklet with several of the images in the OP. Lord. 
    I would propose the remaining 8 pictures of Lana in the OP (after you remove the one used for Sitar's back cover) plus 2 Nevada (I vote the 1st and 3rd) and 2 Coney Island. Lyric snippets or full lyrics would both work. 
  7. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Project "Lana Del Ray A.K.A Lizzy Grant"   
    I'm in. I will go with what everyone else thinks (but agree that the version in the other thread is beautiful). 
    I wonder if this will be an easier project to pull off if the actual CD is not included.
  8. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in How Do You Relate To Lana ...   
    The sadness that's always present, while still searching for happiness and peace. Finding the silver lining. I really appreciate the few times when I'm just really content and find meaning with my life, Lana's songs speak to that part in me. I really love the lyrics when she sings about the little things, and how much a small moment in the past can mean so much. "Living in the memories of the best of the past." Yup. 
    I don't relate to her choice in men, though. I have, hands down, at the age of (almost) 21 never been truly in love. A bit of puppy love, but nothing huge. I never developed that feeling and side of me. I'm very independent and too proud and stubborn to rely on other people too much, especially men... but her craving for being taken care of is a guilty pleasure of mine. I don't want to admit it, but sometimes it would be a bit nice to have someone I can hug and melt into and go all "phlueeaaase, take care of me. Be my man!" and then I'm fuck no, I don't need that   But still, the whole fantasy is nice. I just live through her taste in bad men   This is also why I read these trashy romance novels. I don't have that complicated mess of a man in my life, so I experience it trough other things. But don't worry, one day I'll be unhappily in love, and then I'll listen to Video Games and cry. 
    And the whole youth thing... Sigh. I feel like I should have been more "live fast, die young". I was too good, and didn't act out before I turned 19. Crying in the bathroom drunk off of cheap vodka was something I should have done at the age of 16, I'm too old for that shit now. And while I'm still young, I feel it slipping away. And that pisses me off. 
  9. CherryGalore liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in I Can Fly   
    I'm almost positive this is the line. It sounds like what she's singing, and it works poetically. There are metaphors to do with a hot iron: "strike while the iron is hot"; "several irons in the fire" ( http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/irons_in_the_fire ). 
  10. Emmet liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Lana Del Rey Confirms Initial Dates For Biggest Headlining North American Tour To Date: Endless Summer Tour   
    There's nothing that drives me crazier than people who think they're entitled to be front row, for whatever reason. I went to see a pretty big independent band recently, and my friends and I waited about two hours before doors opened, made some new friends, and we all got front row. These short women came up to the front after the support band, and tried to push through, calling us assholes for not letting short people through. IMO, the only thing that entitles you to the front is being there first. (And I've been to lots of shows with girlfriends and my sister, all of whom count as short women, and we've gotten to the front by taking time off work and waiting.)
  11. SilverSprings liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in I Can Fly   
    I'm almost positive this is the line. It sounds like what she's singing, and it works poetically. There are metaphors to do with a hot iron: "strike while the iron is hot"; "several irons in the fire" ( http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/irons_in_the_fire ). 
  12. Greaser Prince liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in 'Ultraviolence' Year-End List Placements   
    Also, that PopMatters #73 might look like a low position, but it comes with a rapturous write-up that ends with
  13. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Anya Marina   
    She has a really beautiful song on the Twilight Saga: New Moon soundtrack called "Satellite Heart"
  14. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in 'Ultraviolence' Year-End List Placements   
    Billboard Top 200 Albums
    #43 - Ultraviolence
    #56 - Born To Die (slay)
  15. forkpt1 liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Regina Spektor   
    Regina just tweeted this picture which sums up her appeal, I think.

  16. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in 'Ultraviolence' Year-End List Placements   
    Also, that PopMatters #73 might look like a low position, but it comes with a rapturous write-up that ends with
  17. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in 'Big Eyes' and 'I Can Fly' Released, Featured in Tim Burton's 'Big Eyes'   
    Just found this on a LDR fanpage called I'm fucking in love with Lana Del Rey. And I thought I will put it up here. So it dose look like if this is official mind you that BE will be chosen to be up for consideration instead of ICF....
  18. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in 'Ultraviolence' Year-End List Placements   
    Also, that PopMatters #73 might look like a low position, but it comes with a rapturous write-up that ends with
  19. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in 'Ultraviolence' Year-End List Placements   
    Also, that PopMatters #73 might look like a low position, but it comes with a rapturous write-up that ends with
  20. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Charli XCX   
    The title track remains godly. Now where is a zip tbh
  21. strange weather liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in I Can Fly   
    That would be great, and would be more in line with the actual private life of Lana circa 2014/15, as opposed to Lana circa 2005.
  22. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by Anthem in 'Big Eyes' and 'I Can Fly' Released, Featured in Tim Burton's 'Big Eyes'   
    @@Electric Body you literally have described these songs and how I feel about them exactly. The only thing I would add is that I like that she finally is writing from a strong female's perspective instead of a victim. Even if it is from a character's point of view and not hers, its still a start and I hope it'll inspire her to go more down that road hopefully with better songs. 
    EDIT: And if she wins an Oscar you can rest knowing you wrote an Oscar-winning chorus in 20 seconds on this thread on page 3. 
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