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Posts posted by suicideblonde

  1. Rankings of NFR tracks about 1 year after release

    1. Venice Bitch

    2. Mariners 

    3. How to Disappear

    4. The Greatest

    5. NFR

    6. Cinnamon Girl

    7. Fuck it I love you

    8. Doin Time

    9. Hope

    10. Love song

    11. Bartender

    12. California

    13. TNBAR (The demo/leaked version was sooooo much better, the outro was heavenly and the lyrics were better too. I feel really let down by the album version lol)

    14. Happiness is a Butterfly


    track that grew on me the most: how to disappear

    track that grew on me the least: title track probably because i listened it to death


    doin time is a good song but i wish she put LFA or something that fit the vibe more on the album instead

  2. I relate to Lana a fuck ton. Personally, my mother decided to give me up to my dad and that has left me a bit traumatized throughout my life. Lana felt like her mother abandoned her by sending her to boarding school. When Lana pleads about wanting to be a mother I understand every point, because when you grow up without a mother (for me & i’m assuming for Lana) you want to change the dynamic and not have to repeat the same curse for your own children. You want to be there and until you’re able to resolve and give the entirety of your love to a child that you wish was you, you will feel contempt.


    I'm too traumatized to dream of having my own children, at least right now. Scared that I will end up repeating to them what my mother did to me and becoming like her. 

  3. LA Who Am I To Love You (17) +
    The Land Of 1,000 Fires (16)
    Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass (-10)
    Past The Bushes Cypress Thriving (15)
    Salamander (16)
    Never To Heaven (13) -
    Sportcruiser (17)
    Tessa Dipietro (16)
    Quiet Waiter Blue Forever (15)
    What Happened When I Left You (13)
    Happy (16)
    My Bedroom Is A Sacred Place Now - There Are Children At The Foot Of My Bed (+15)
    Paradise Is Very Fragile (16)
    Bare Feet On Linoleum (15)

  4. All the pretty stars shine for you, my love

    Am I that girl that you dream of?




    Blue hydrangea, cold cash divine

    Cashmere, cologne and white sunshine
    Red racing cars, sunset and vine
    The kids were young and pretty

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