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genghis khan

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Everything posted by genghis khan

  1. On the bright side pretty much everyone here i've seen agrees that what she said was disrespectful The only thing worse than a celebrity being dumb is when the fans defend it
  2. She prob asked permission but the thought of her stealing instagram edits of her to post on her own story is kinda funny
  3. this post flopped but it was so funny in my mind
  4. Someone gonna have to read her poetry book and tell us how it is
  5. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJzHIBSlQCA/ she looks so good here
  6. i cant remember what magazine it was with but she said in an interview she's basically done every drug. they asked "even heroin?" and she said "no comment"
  7. Looking for America feels a little like an attempt at john lenons imagine
  8. This has been mentioned by someone else on LB and I agree - that the reason her music is becoming so much less cinematic and interesting is because she's out of things to write about. In an interview she mentioned BTD basically paying homage to her younger years, UV and HM are chronicling her toxic dating proclivities and life style choices as well. We can see her running out of things to write about on LFL when she starts to dip her toes into political music. This is all pretty natural, she's getting older, maturing, and is probably more or less choosing healthier options in life, and is enjoying more stability. Hopefully COCC will be more visually interesting than NFR though
  9. i am once again reminding this thread that if you don't like NFR it's simply because you haven't had your NFR dedicated emotional break down yet Anyway. I'll admit that NFR has some very corny and cringe lyrics. I've never been a fan of the "if he's a serial killer then whats the worse that could happen to a girl whos already hurt", but let's be honest, all of her album has cringe moments on it. but at the end of the day they're still enjoyable albums as long as you don't take everything so seriously
  10. some plague rat behaviour on this thread not saying names though
  11. waiting for her to replace the battery in her smoke detector
  12. my most unpopular opinion is that i really enjoyed violet. It won't happen, but, theoretically, even if she dropped cocc and decided to do another poetry album instead i would love that
  13. >i’ll be gone for a while as I delve into it. >i’ll be gone for a while
  14. the way so many of the comments on her new instagram posts are negative is annoying me
  15. omg is she setting up her feed to be aesthetic of the album
  16. genghis khan

    Melanie Martinez

    i rewatch k-12 whenever i need to fall asleep because it's simutaneously interesting enough to watch but boring enough to fall asleep to
  17. genghis khan

    Azealia Banks

    heyyy unpopular opinion time i don't agree when people always come at her saying her career failed or that the only thing that gives her a career is the attention from starting drama. i really just think that she isn't interested in being a star. tons of people in the music industry just dabble in it to make music and then live their own life doing other stuff
  18. genghis khan

    Azealia Banks

    omg this thread is so fun
  19. I like the stranger than a stranger line. its not her best but i don't know why people act like its so awful. Its not even repetition cause she's using the word in 2 different ways (STRANGER like "more strange" and STRANGER like "an unknown person")
  20. genghis khan

    Azealia Banks

    so anyways whats this collab with shygirl all about
  21. genghis khan

    Azealia Banks

    i've been following her for most of this year and shes saying something ridiculous 24/7 about so many things but people here act like calling Lana fat is her full time career
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