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Venice Peach

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Everything posted by Venice Peach

  1. By the writing credits (and I think Candy Necklace shows up as track 6). 6 and 7 are the Jon tracks so it was one of those
  2. The way each era we get a different toy to figure things out. I bet they won't register the next album that early now that we found it Each album gets a little bit more difficult - for NFR all we had to do was shazam the snippets (and we had one from every song except Bartender) - for Chemtrails we had to check every number on the link from the released snippets/songs - for BB we had to look into codes and website links - and now we get a new obscure (at least for us) web that we have to actually upload the songs ourselve. It feels like an escape room but for tracklists
  3. Candy Necklace really sounds like a lizzy unleaked track name when I was a waitress wearing a candy necklace I wonder if it's a freaky song
  4. Sweet Candy Necklace We need a rock song now (not the genre, a literal rock) Rock Candy Sweet is alive and breathing
  5. https://www.ascap.com/repertory#/ace/writer/509077941/BATISTE JONATHAN M I'm not too familiar with his music so I don't recognize some songs but some names doesn't appear anywhere. For example I couldn't find anything about "A Night In Kenner" They could be unreleased songs tho Edit: there's like 15 pages oh god
  6. As much as I like Waist Deep In Icy Waves as a title/lyric I think it's a just a caption since she was literally in the water and they said in the article that day was really cold
  7. We already tried Shazam and they are not going to put up a lana.lnk for an album track (at least not yet or until it becomes a single) so I'm clueless about what boz means I think it would be able to recognize Rockefeller if the links were already on the database... but maybe we could try using the title track link
  8. The Jim lyrics are lowkey giving Mary (Scared Of Me) but they are our only decisive evidence against/pro DW so I'm excited
  9. I'll laugh for a month straight if she really named a song Rocketfella It would be a really Lana thing to do so I can actually see it happening
  10. Is it true that the Rockefeller title is easy to guess or is BOZ trying to make us lanaboardians work overtime for nothing? @DragonWhore (not like we tried that hard tho) maybe we already guessed it and he didn't notice/confirmed it
  11. It would also be weird cause how would UV x HM sound it would basically be its own thing at that point
  12. Not Lana learning the Taylor ways Watch fucking Jack Off being the only one with prominent vocals
  13. I feel like that's too subjective to confirm or dismiss tho I don't think the title track sounds like HM or UV at all but if we get strings and electric guitar I could kinda see the comparisons... I'm still a bit skeptic though
  14. At this point I think Lana only had so many "collabs" to do a movie poster style cover
  15. My prediction for the acronym is God Please Show Others That (...) If she's trying to explain herself maybe she's pulling the divine power for it
  16. Literally the only feature I wanted with full vocals and a back and forth and he gets the background vocals treatment I know he will be amazing anyway but I'm sad But I'm so happy we're getting a long album. I'm always worried about long albums that are the result of +20 songs because of the potential filler but since the length comes from only ~14 tracks it's going to be a serve I don't think all the songs are going to be like 5 minutes but we'll probably get a couple of 6 minute tracks for sure
  17. My only complaint is that the UV outtakes have lower quality than the rest (and that she picked my least favorite CB vocal take ) but the triple singles, IYLDWM and Thunder are some of her best songs
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