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Posts posted by rabbit

  1. 3 minutes ago, love deluxe said:

    my grandma passed just over a year ago from covid complications. this statement was v much appreciated 🤍

    💔💔 I’m so sorry you and your family went through that. I hope you find peace while you navigate the grief <3
    This album will be healing for many of us. Lana has a way of releasing very emotionally specific music just when I need it. Has that been your experience, too? 

  2. Spoiler

    I know Kintsugi is going to ruin me :crai: My grandma, someone so special to me, who provided a safe haven when things went bad, passed away suddenly and tragically a year ago yesterday. She's been on my mind more than ever.


    We've only got hours 
    And I just can't stop crying
    Cause all of the ways
    When you see someone dying

    The sea of your daze flashing in front of you
    And you think about who will be with you 




  3. 2 minutes ago, Super Movie said:

    A woman embracing her autonomy and sexuality does not give you a free pass to sexualize her existence. Lana can write lyrics about her experiences without it being something other people, particularly men, use for a quick laugh or even to be a thirsty creep over. I think a lot of you tend to forget that you can be a fan of a woman whilst still not treating women in a respectful manner. 


    To tie this back to the album, I do think that Lana isn't going to shy away from topics like that. However, it's in her hands and it's her story to tell. It's not there for men to fantasize about her or make gross comments at her. She's a blunt artist and that's clear in her lyrics that we've seen from this album alone. But like I said, that's not a free pass for men. 

    Perfectly said :gclap:


    It’s really disappointing to come in here and see tired and unoriginal comments about her “bussy” (and I mean???), the rest of the internet is so gross and critical over Lana and her body, can we just not here?

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