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Sighs of a Torn Soul

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Everything posted by Sighs of a Torn Soul

  1. every time i listen to this song i think of my mom. it's impossible for me not to cry and have melancholy thoughts mommy, I love you so much. i imagine you singing to me
  2. by odin, what a heavenly melody! I can not stop listening. at dawn I cry silently with this song. now i can keep ride in the drawer while i enjoy blue banisters and that angelic cry.
  3. this specific song from lana is my mantra, including change and ride. my life has been so messed up, and I'm feeling so lost in the world around me. these songs help me keep my focus and understand that I am the best I can be. I can try, and if it doesn't work, that's fine. I take what I have in my hands for now and try again.
  4. this song is so strong for such a sweet voice. Listening to this lana from the spear doesn't give you a perception that although she was young, she was mature for her age. observant, meticulous and sensitive. I feel like I'm in a boarding school room in the middle of the night with her like my roommate singing in a whisper and half lost in herself, this song.
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