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Deadly Nightshade

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Posts posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. 9 hours ago, Ultra Violet said:

    I love Overcompensate. It's constantly in my head and it's my favourite single since Chlorine, and my favourite lead single since Stressed Out. This is so exciting!

    Listening to Next Semester which is also really fun and vibey, but I feel like Tyler is holding back his vocals somehow? He sounds different but still great.


    Still hoping they do a psychedelic trippy rock album like Tame Impala currents style (a little more like My Blood). :legend:

    Yeah i wish the vocals were a bit stronger with their new single as well because it is a cute song but something is lacking imo 

    still obsessed with overcompensate 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    I don't get to play mine very often but I'm still glad I have it

    The STUPIDITY of needing to work to buy games but then having no time to play them cos you work

    Exactly !!

    I’ll probably cave in and buy one at some point:creep:

  3. 16 minutes ago, Escapism said:


    this video is so fucking stupid LMFAO :toofunny:

     her finishing off by giving her own music a shout-out when it has nothing to do with what she was talking about and to basically say to support Christian artists!! (not demonic!) is so hilarious and corny as though she isn’t trying to capitalize off religion (or i guess more so inducing religious fear) by making content on those who are successful and apparently demonic then comparing them to her apparent holy self and how thy has the blessed music because she embraced jesus is so… :tiffany:

    Damn that’s why her music is so addicting she puts witchcraft on it , that explains a lot :charli:

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