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Everything posted by fl0r1dakil0s

  1. me rn trying to transcribe the songs so when the album leaks you guys can read along with the songs: i don't even think lana herself knows what she's saying all the time
  2. what would lana even be doing in an actual a&w music video with a budget.. i can just imagine her doing another hope is a dangerous thing style homemade video in a hotel room
  3. i can't ever decide my lana album ranking (it changes monthly) but right now yes it is, and i could not say the same for NFR, COCC, or BB
  4. i'll never understand how people who claim to have conservative values can argue against trans rights and at the same time truly believe that they uphold their own values.. michael knowles loves to go on and on about financial freedom and peoples rights for the government not to interfere with their lives, and then thinks that people should not be able to decide who they want to be/how they want to present themselves to the world and that they have to follow rules set by someone else.. the hypocrisy never fails to baffle me.. like michael if ur anti government be anti government and have whatever opinion u want but at least make it make some logical sense bc u look stupid now i also doubt that by that statement he actually meant the genocide of transgender people, he probably phrased it poorly, but regardless his opinion is terrible and to see it constantly being spit out with no basis in fact is annoying
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